Monday, October 29, 2012

6 Ways To Survive A Recession - Business - Entrepreneurship

According to a news release by the Bureau of Labor, the nation's unemployment rate as of June 2009 remains at 9.5%. If you're like me and are in that number too then you're definitely feeling this "recession". But it might not be as bad as it seems. Here are a few things you can do to survive.

1-Collect Unemployment

There are so many people out there who've been laid off from work who aren't collecting unemployment. The reason for some could be that for them there is a negative stigma to the idea of unemployment. This is a situation where their pride is hurting them. For others it could be that they don't feel an unemployment check would be enough for them since it is only a fraction of what their salary was.

The truth is that unemployment is something that your employer paid into for you when you were working for him/her. That money is yours and should be claimed without fear or reservation. Sure it may only be a fraction of what your salary was but it's still income and believe me it will help.

2-Go Back to School

You're probably thinking how you can go back to school if you don't have any money, right? Well there are government grants available for folks collecting unemployment. You can contact your local unemployment office for details. They are more than willing to help folks in your situation.

3-Take A Contract Job

Hook up with a recruiter in your industry and have them look for contract positions for you while you're looking for something more permanent. Doing a few contract jobs here and there will definitely bring in a little more than your unemployment check and one might even turn into a permanent position.

4-Change Your Career

Ever wanted to start your own business working from home? Wondering how you too can make money online?This might be the perfect opportunity to start a home based business doing something you've always wanted to do or to even try. There are also grants available for people looking to start their own small business. The possibilities here are only limited by your desire and imagination.


Volunteering for something you believe in is probably the most rewarding experience one could have. Helping others in need and selflessly giving will put you in a positive mood and feed your emotions. You can volunteer for almost anything. From soup kitchens to helping your church to firefighting. And just imagine how that might look on your resume if you do decide to pursue another job.

6-Build Your Personal Relationships

This is perhaps the most rewarding thing you can do with your new found time. Take the time to really work on your personal relationships whether it be with your spouse or significant other, your kids, your neighbors, distant family members or whomever.

I hope you've found this article helpful and you have some idea of the direction you'll be going in during your time "off" from work. If you want to find out more about the different legitimate ways of making money online please visit

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