Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Reverse Cell Phone Directory - Catch Cheating Husbands Like a PI - Technology - Cell Phones

Picture this. It has been a long time since you had a good and romantic dinner with your husband. And tonight you are having a nice candlelight dinner with him at that romantic French restaurant downtown. Unfortunately, the happy scene was peppered by incessant calls on his cell phone, which he insists that it is about work. Yet, you notice that soft tone and familiar smile whenever he is on the line. You start to wonder who could be on the line. He seemed rather busy working into the night lately and has not been paying her that much attention lately too.

The moment you reach home, you check out his online cell phone billing service and realized that the phone records are in order except that there is a number which you do not recognize and which keep appearing with long talk durations. You are now in a frenzy and searches online for the owner of the number but to no avail. You googled the number with all the variations and literally walked through the white pages and still search returns indicate no results found. This means that your number is not a land line which can be located with free online resources. It could be a cell phone number, or an unlisted one. You are so near, yet so far from the answer which has been bugging you since that dinner.

Here is where a reverse cell phone directory complete the picture for you in helping you find out who that cell phone number belongs to. All you need to do after you have registered in confidence, is to enter the cell number into the directory and the service will run a check against the extensive database. Matching the correct information with the cell number, you are now provided with a complete report with details of the name, current address, service carrier, service status, location details, and even a geo map for reference. The greatest comfort is that your search activity is strictly 100 percent guaranteed to be be confidential.

Your quest for information has ended fruitfully. But do bear in mind that sometimes ignorance is bliss, and that in not knowing, you might just be saving your ten year old marriage. So do be forewarned that it is important to use the information you obtained from the reverse cell phone directory discretely and tactfully to your benefit.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

6 Tips To Catch Cheating Husband - Relationships - Marriage

As per study, every one man out of five has been unfaithful at some point during their marriage.

Do you feel that you know your husband very well like most women so that you can know when something with him is not in order?

Always keep in mind that the first warning signs of cheating husbands are small things. If you are aware of what you should be looking for you can catch him, bring him more close to you and stop the possible future break up.

It's good for you to know if infidelity is occurring in your marriage. There are several ways to catch a cheating husband. In this article, you will get advice to find out if your husband is having an affair at his work place.

Here you will find 6 ways to catch a cheating husband. You can use these tips to find out if he is having an affair with his secretary or co-worker in office.

1. If your husband is working until late evening in the office and take dinner outside often, look for a pattern. If you can find a pattern in this extra workload, try to find out who are his co-workers. This might be a symptom for a date.

2. Make note of his out-of-town business trips. Check the name of places and other related things before his travels and 1 week after his travel. A cheating husband can be easily tracked he won't remember the things he has told you and those he hasn't.

3. If he is working late, call him to see if he answers. If he does, just talk with him for few minutes. Alternatively, you can call his secretary or other co-workers to know his whereabouts.

4. Visit him at work with one of his favorite home-cooked meals. If he is upset with your presence, you need to keep a watchful eye on him.

5. You can take help of a private detective Go to check when he typically goes to lunch and who accompanies him. Private investigator can check whether they are just going to lunch or to a motel. I recommend you not to do this on your own.

6. Try to join your husband in their office parties. If he avoids bringing you to any such functions, this might be a sure sign that he has some affair with someone from work.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Monday, July 29, 2013

Cheating Signs- Is Your Spouse Cheating, What You Need To Know - Relationships - Sexuality

Are you are sitting alone in your house the kids are at friends house and every one has abandoned you, the TV. is playing but you cannot focus on the program, because you suspect your wife cheated or is having an affair. She is telling you she is out with the girls or working late or visiting friends, but in your gut you suspect that she is having an affair, Sitting at her computer trying to figure out her e-mail pass word or trying to break through her phone code or reading her phone usage logs may not give you the real story on what she is up to. You need to know the cheating signs, if you ask her she probably won't tell you anyways.

If you are concerned about your boyfriend cheating, girlfriend cheating, spouse cheating, if you think that your wife cheated or your husband cheated and you are looking for signs of cheating the following information should be quite helpful.

Did you know that the top reasons why wives cheat on their husbands are not necessarily for sex?

Below are the top reasons why both sexes cheat on their spouse.

The most frequent reasons for cheating among men include

1. More sex (the desire for a more active sex life) 2. Sexual variety (a desire for different kinds of sex) 3. Opportunistic sex 4. To satisfy sexual curiosity (about a specific female) 5. A feeling of entitlement (the belief that it's a man's prerogative to cheat) 6. The "thrill of the chase" 7. The desire to feel important or special 8. Sexual addiction

Why Women Cheat

The reasons most frequently noted for cheating among females include:

1. A desire for emotional closeness and intimacy 2. A desire for attention (wanting be the center of a man's attention again) 3. To reaffirm her desirability (To feel validated as a woman) 4. To re-experience feelings of romance 5. A desire to feel "special" 6. Boredom 7. Loneliness 8. Sexual excitement

There are many telltale signs that your partner is having an affair I will list just a few.

Husbands cheating and there signs:

1. He is buying new clothes, when you normally do the shopping. 2. He purchased some new undergarments. 3. He is shaving differently or growing a beard. 4. He purchased a new phone plan without you knowing about it. 5. The computers History is being cleared daily.

Wives cheating and there signs:

1. She is wearing a new perfume. 2. She is tanning and worrying about how she looks. 3. She is on a diet. 4. She is working out at a health spa and did not ask you to join with her. 5. Married sex has stopped almost completely. 6. She buys a new wardrobe. 7. Stops saying I love you when she hangs up the phone. 8. She runs away when her phone rings and goes in the other room to talk, or the conversations are only a minute or two in length when she talks to her girlfriends for hours at a time.

How more relationships could be saved.

What you need to do to catch your spouse cheating:

A. How to reverse look up cell phone numbers. B. Undelete deleted text messages C. Find out the dirty tricks cheating partners use to cover their paper trail D. What to look for discretely in your own home and spouses car E. How to spy on your partner using the latest high-tech spy gadgets F. Discover the top signs in your sex life that point to an affair

Did you also know that in most cases of cheating, the opposing spouse has no idea cheating signs or that there spouse is cheating (70% of married women and 54% of married men) are the latest numbers from. And usually the signs are so apparent even the children notice them, statistics gathered from various books and resources.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Men: 6 Ways to Suck at Your Marriage - Self Help - Motivational

Follow these guidelines and you will take the fun out of your marriage quicker than Sehwag can score a 50.

1) Become a workaholic: I truly love my work and I respect people with high aspirations and drive. Some of us get pleasure in being in 'the zone' where your creative juices are flowing and don't want to be disturbed. Some of us have bosses whose entire life revolves around deadlines and client satisfactions. Of course, in order to move up you need to display the same commitment. What we forget while running through our daily life is that we can only run that fast for so long. You might be able to for a while but then you would need a longer break before you can sprint again. Instead, let's treat our work more as a marathon with timely nourishment to keep you going for longer. Your spouse and family is that nourishment that you should appreciate and make time for.

2) Ignore your health: Don't you hate people who have a disciplined workout or sports routine. How the hell do they stick to it? I think what they have realized is that eating well, exercising and keeping addictions in check is a long term investment which always pays off. If you on the other hand wake up at 10am, work all day without lifting your ass for a glass of water, have a running tab with the neighborhood samosawala and consider drinking beer as your arm workout I got news for you - it will catch up with your health and then it will be too late.

Life may seem great now but a bad back and beer belly won't please your heart or the ladies. Unless you are OK with being alive only till 50 and OK with leaving your partner wanting more than 5 minutes of sex I recommend you took a serious look at your habits.

Start with a few changes dude, evening walk a couple of times a week, round of tennis on the weekend, whatever. Even better, do these activities with your partner and she will not complain about not getting enough 'quality time' with you.

3) Treat your wife like a maid: Guys, I agree there's nothing better than wanting to be treated like a king. That doesn't meant your queen needs to become a maid. Hire one! If you really like giving orders around the house and need everything to be picture freaking perfect hire a damn maid. Your wife didn't sign up to be a domestic servant so stop making her feel like that. If you can't afford a maid, work hard, save more and then hire one. You might think you are being the boss but all you're doing is making it easy for your wife to respect you less.

4) Lie rather than be confronted: I have read studies that indicate men lie more before marriage and women after. Either way, both partners end up suffering when lying creeps in. You don't want to always have your guard up if you are going to get caught or not. If you don't give a shit about getting caught that's a pretty good sign that you don't want to be in the relationship to begin with. Lying is just a way to get out.

All I can say is that if you see yourself lying to avoid an argument with your spouse, stop and argue. Let it out, but don't lie. I'm not an advocate of arguments but it's much easier to argue, make up and move on than get caught lying. Be a man; don't take the easy way out.

5) Start taking them for granted: Entire marriage life cannot be a honeymoon, I get it. She shouldn't expect you to be romantic all the time and share her fairy tale fantasies. However, things really start going downhill when you stop appreciating, respecting, listening and conversation with her. I am sure you have a bunch of responsibilities - job, clients, parents, kids, hobbies etc. However, your partner is working just as hard as you are and needs the same appreciation as well. I don't care if she's a career woman or a housewife; they both are just as demanding as your job. So get off your high horse and start giving some respect.

Find things that you had in common and make time for them - drive in the evening, dinner and movie, music, bookstore whatever.

6) Cheat: There's nothing more stressful in marriage than cheating. You should avoid it at all cost. She might forgive you for being a pig and not cleaning up after yourself or how you got drunk at her sister's wedding and threw up in the car but forgiveness after having a one night stand or an affair is next to impossible. You might escape under some circumstances but don't expect it to be the same like before. She might end up staying with you because she fears what society would think; maybe she is worried about the kids or is financially dependent on you. Whatever the reason of her forgiveness, it is going to be a bitter life for you my friend.

It's probably the hardest decision to make when opportunity and temptation meet but I guess that's what separates a gentleman from a dog. So, keep it in the pants and put a "off the market" sign on it if you have to.

Ask yourself 'Am I better off losing her or this opportunity?'

How else can we men screw it up?

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Saturday, July 27, 2013

True Stories of Cheating Husbands - Relationships - Marriage

Many marriages have been been ruined because of the husband's infidelity. Some couples went through counseling and tried to save their relationships but lots have ended in divorce because of distrust. Here are some stories of devastated wives who were cheated on by their husbands.

Sylvia Caballero, a wife of 16 years was said to have been killed by her cheating husband, a police officer. Her husband denied the accusation but admitted to having an affair. Whether or not she was shot by her husband, the fact still remains that he was cheating on her and left her for another woman.

Pop star Alesha Harvey felt really terrible when her husband, MC Harvey, was caught in bed with a reality TV star. All the while she believed that her marriage with MC was built on a strong foundation. She felt humiliated and more so because she is acquainted with the woman he was caught in bed with.

Another story is of a wife of 25 years who found out her husband cheated on her with someone she considered her best friend. She kicked him out of their marital home and vowed to destroy him for all the pain he caused her. He died from a stroke a little more than a month after their divorce.

A mother of 2 kids did not know what to do after her husband admitted to having a one night-stand with another woman. Not only did he cheat on her but the other woman also conceived a child.

Supermodel Christie Brinkley had enough of her 10 year marriage with Peter Cook after learning about his infidelity. She learned about the affair from the other woman's stepfather. Brinkley sought the services of a computer expert and had her husband's computer checked. Lewd emails between her husband and the other woman were discovered and confirmed the allegations.

A full time housewife and mother of 3 discovered that her husband has been going out with a prostitute. She went through her husband's phone and credit card bills and got to talk personally with the prostitute. She confronted her husband about it. He got angry over what seemed to be an invasion of his privacy and she got very depressed.

The 25-year marriage of a couple became rocky after the wife caught her husband having cyber sex with another woman. She began to suspect her husband of infidelity when he started to spend more time chatting over the Internet and seeking more space and privacy. With a little recorder hidden near the computer, the wife got proof of her husband's online affair. It left her feeling devastated and distrustful of her husband.

Here's another long time marriage destroyed by an online affair. The wife started harboring suspicions when her spouse got hooked on his computer and have been staying up late at night. He pretended to be playing games but it turned out he was chatting with a Russian girl who was more than 20 years his junior. The marriage ended in a divorce and the husband got married a month after.

An affair does not have be a physical one to be considered cheating. An emotional or online affair can be as equally devastating. A lot of marriages would still be intact if only people just didn't "try" it.

How to Catch a Cheating Husband? Confirm Your Suspicions

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Friday, July 26, 2013

Divorce Lawyer Q&A

MoreDivorce Lawyerquestions please visit :

Can I procure a divorce beside children minus a advocate within Illinois ?
Yes, you can. I did it with 3 children. I didn't have the money, so I call legal aid. They let me pick my atty. and they rewarded for it. But to answer your question, yes, divorces on line. You overrun out the paper work, who gets what,turn...

Can I procure a lawyer backing from IL for a Pa divorce?
I was with my wife for 16 years and as of 2007 sept. we own not lived together we lived in Pa at the time. But at the time things went to hell she freshly asked me to leave and the business we had closed due to nouns. I...

Can I record for a divorce minus a lawyer's back?
I would like to file for a divorce on my own. It's uncontested, no children involved, and no property distribution. Is it essential for me to get a lawyer or can I do this on my own? I purely need a plain ole simple divorce. Yes, you can catch a do -it-yourself...

Can I register a court instruct (divorce) from Zimbabwe within the UK myself or do I enjoy to find a legal representative to do this?
I have two court orders from Zimbabwe on the subject of our divorce, the first from the High Court and the second from the Supreme Court. Part of the judgment gave me and the children say-so...

Can I report for divorce lacking a attorney?
We have nothing to split. We own no payments of any kind to work out. The only entry is child support and visitation. Can I ask for alimony while I am still enrolled as a fulltime student? I want the divorce is there a route that it can be done without a lawyer?...

Can i respond to divorce papers in need a advocate and will that count as responding?
My husband is filing for divorce from NY where he have been residing for little over one year. NY states that a person must hold been married in t he state, lived within the state together, reason for divorce occured in the state or the file...

Can I sue my attorney for my overturned divorce?
My divorce was finalised in New York Supreme court Feb. 2006 after a long drawn out box with my ex. One year later very soon it's overturned by another judge thru my ex's appeal because he NEVER SIGNED THE ORIGINAL SEPARATION AGREEMENT. I'm legally married again to him again, and this is...
Can i switch lawyer contained by the middle of my divorce?
i dont know if my lawyer is doing such a great attitude a little insecure. my ex is pushing the limits beside me. He has already had his wages garnish (for spousal support) and is now witholding some of our other rental income (that we were sharing)for himself. Hewont...

Can I use a paralegal contained by place of a advocate for a divorce? I really call for suggestion please!!?
i need help!! I don't own thousands of dollars to spend for on a lawyer... can the paralegal help me attain a divorce? My ex wont sign the papers and need to take it to someone contained by the legal aspect....

Can I variation my legal representative within the middle of a divorce armour?
I went to the legal aide department and got a lawyer free of charge. He typed up some divorce papers and file them, then tried to send it to my husband ov er 2 months ago. He wasn't competent to find him, so it seems like he only gave...

Can i win divorce near out going to attorney we are surrounded by ny state we are couple and we both wanna go and get divorce?
sure can, shift to any Staples or Office supply store and purchase the documents. Fill them out with your husband and file them. Yes, if it is uncontested it is easy to fill the mandatory...

Can jag (military lawyers) represent me or my husband within a divorce audible range?
Depends either you are in military court or civil court. For a divorce audible range, no. JAG does not represent service members during a divorce. All they will do is provide legal support, and assistance with the divorce documents. You will need a civilian advocate if you're...

Can jag officer (military lawyers) draw up the broadsheet work for a divorce?
The military is at a 75% divorce rate. No offense but, JAG being a military representative to any one else in the military would they aid the cause "not" in their favor? I'm sorry but, I dream up not. No. JAG officers can only support you, but cannot...

Can JAG support me find a divorce advocate surrounded by my home of transcript?
i'm researching divorce lawyers, but have no recommendation and no friends who have used a divorce lawyer. No, they are military lawyers. They do not serve you with civil situations that do not concern the military...sorry No. But the local bar association contained by your home of...

Can JAG sustain me find a divorce advocate surrounded by my home of journal?
i'm researching divorce lawyers, but have no recommendation and no friends who have used a divorce lawyer. Research yourself on for a local advocate in state of the marriage or the JAG should be capable of recommend one. For researching yourself go to: h ttp:// have Lawyer...

Can me and my husband receive JUST ONE divorce advocate?
We both want the same thing and both agree to the lingo, we just want to make sure it is done correctly and properly legally. Or do we not need a divorce advocate in this case at adjectives? BTW how much would it cost to get a lawyer? You'll reclaim alot...

Can me and my soon to be ex-wife database for divorce minus a advocate?
Can me and my soon to be ex-wife file for divorce without a attorney if we are on good terms we in recent times don't really love each other anymore and don't want to live unhappy the rest of our lives, but we both agreed we love...

Can my divorce advocate force my ex-husband to provide her a copy of his prenuptial agreement near his present ?
wife? He is trying to prove to court that he should not give any Support money, because he owes too much money to his credit cards and owns nothing and is really poor. Of course, as usual, he is lying. I...

Can my divorce attorney force my ex-husband to provide her a copy of his prenuptial agreement near his unmarked wife?
He wants to pay with the sole purpose very little support money and is hiding all his assets and trying to prove to the court that he is extremely poor. He has disclosed all of his assets surrounded by his prenuptial...

Can my divorce judgement be dismissed because her attorney refuse to draft the Decree?
It has been almost three months since the acumen was issued and now within is a dismissal date in place for the case! Her attorney has not submitted the decree or asked th court to instruct her further on the drafting of the taste. What can I...

Can my ex's advocate serve divorce mind to me via Email?
My ex- is filing for separation & divorce.Instead of mailing pape rwork for 1st time to an address provided, the details came to my personal email? Is this within the official profession guidelines in Ontario? It is my understanding it has to be placed within your hands Divorce is the most...

Can my husband fire his attorney earlier our divorce if final?
i need to know if my husband can drop his lawyer I would love to know that answer. I want my husband to get rid of his lawyer and be at odds fair. so ill be checking backbone in. thanks for asking Sure he can...he can get another legal representative...

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Convenient Death of Attorney Bryan Stone


Bryan Stone wasnt a criminal mastermind, as the State Bar of Texas would like the public to believe. He was short and overweight, and had a small practice when I first met him. Bryan Stone wanted to be successful, and for that he needed to play ball with the big boys at the State Bar of Texas. He needed to obey their orders, even if that meant breaking the law, and breaking the law he did. Bryan Stone took my case only to damage it as much as possible and prevent justice from being served. However, he couldnt keep up the pace of his deceit, and eventually it caught up with him. A year after both him and attorney Ilene Smoger forged my signature on the back of the insurance check and cashed it, Bryan Stone ran out of lies on why it was taking so long for the insurance check to arrive. In desperation, he had his former partner call my new attorney begging her not to proceed with my case because they would get in a lot o f trouble. Strong words coming from the mouth of a lawyer, pleading with a colleague not to do the right thing. The night before he was supposed to tell my new attorney the whereabouts of the insurance money, Bryan Stone met with somebody inside his car at a parking lot in Dallas, Texas. That night Bryan Stone died of a gunshot to his head.

The next day I received a call from my new attorney telling me that Bryan Stones former partner called her to let her know of his death, and that the insurance money was gone. Bryan Stones former partner kept calling my new attorney and directing her as to who to talk to and what to ask, which I thought was unusual. After that, my new attorney sent me a report painting Bryan Stone as a criminal whod defrauded many, many people, including somebody for over a million dollars (this last part was not written in her letter, but she told it to me over the phone). She insisted I could never recover my money because too many people were after his estate, and I had to forget about the insurance money both Bryan Stone and Ilene Smoger defrauded me.

Later, I found out that was a lie.

Here is a copy of her letter:

Talya B.
Attorney at Law

December 4, 2000

Dear D:

As I promised, I am sending you a summary of my notes regarding your case, sorted in order of the source. I am sorry your money could not be recovered from your former attorney.

Brian Stone
Deceased (?)

First said he did have the check, but was prohibited from distributing the money by an agreement signed at the mediation, until all parties had signed the settlement documents, and the Defendant could not be located. He also said you refused to sign a settlement agreement he drafted. I know that I reviewed and did not approve of it, either. Then he said you did not want to sign until the Defendant had signed. He then said he had drafted a Motion to Compel and given it to you to sign, that he had filed with the court, and was awaiting hearing.

August 4, 2000:

Told me he had called the insurance company twice to request permission to release the money without the defendants signature, and that he was awaiting a reply.

Web Joiner
Home 972-XXX-XXXX
Office 972-XXX-XXXX
Former partner/associate of Stone.

Admitted that he was at the mediation. He said Stone told him there were problems in the language of the release prohibiting him from distributing funds, but that he thought this was ridiculous, that the Defendant did not need to sign a release in order to distribute funds. At the time, he said he believed Stone had not distributed the funds.

After Stones death, Joiner told me that Stones wife tried to have the corporation (P.C.) (as Stones business was incorporated) placed into bankruptcy. Joiner was apparently there, and told me that the Judge disqualified the corporate representative trustee Robert Newhouse, as Newhouse admitted that he did not actually know how much money, if any, the corporation had. The judge threw out the bankruptcy case.

According to Joiner, many people were missing money, and none of them were listed as creditors of the P.C., nor were any informed of the bankruptcy meeting. Joiner believed the P.C. had a $25,000 life insurance policy, but that the books were in such disarray that this might not even cover the cost of a forensic accounting. He said the only way to get an accounting of what there actually is and what happened would be to get the case into probate court, but that Stones wife was fighting this, for obvious reasons. However, she cant sell the house until it goes through probate if the house is in both of their names. Title must be cleared. Also, the people that have been ripped off on the estate may force the Stone estate into probate. But Joiner said he was not sure what would happen now.

Joiner told me that someone (he refused to tell me who and said he did not know how the source got the information) told Joiner that within a couple of weeks of Stones death, Stones wife paid off the house and the car. The house had apparently been purchased only recently.
Joiner suggested that I call Gino Cisco (sp?), an attorney who officed next to Stone because he represents a beneficiary to an estate of which Stone was the executor. Apparently Stone, over the course of the administration, sold a number of businesses belonging to the estate, and no one knows where the proceeds of the sale are. The client did not get them. In the spring, Cisko said that something was odd.

One interesting note was that the bankruptcy meeting was originally supposed to take place the day before, but when the trustee arrived he realized he had a conflict; he had previously sued Stone for bankruptcy fraud, and he had received a judgment for hundreds of thousands of dollars. This judgment was upheld by the Fifth Circuit.

Joiner asked whether an autopsy would be done, and Earnest Leonard, the attorney who attempted to put the thing into bankruptcy, did not know.

Joiner thinks that Stone may have faked his own death, that this may not have been a suicide. Alternatively, he may have been murdered. Stone was president of his homeowners association, and acquired many clients that way, and stole from many of them. Stone got a check for $5,000 on behalf of one client, cashed it, and kept the money.

Stone had a client who had half-interest in a strip bar; the other owner owned a gun range in a bad part of Dallas. The day before he died, Stone went to (the) strip club on business. The next morning, Stone went to (the) gun shop and said (he) wanted to buy a) gun for his wifes protection. Was told (he) needed (a) background check, to come back at 1:00 p.m. Some time that evening, he was found 1 block away, Joiner thinks in a parking lot. Joiner does not know who found him.

Gino Cisco (sp?)

Mary is Ginos wife and secretary.

Mr. Cisco qualified his statements by stating that a lot of his information was pure supposition. He guessed that your money was gone, that Stone spent it. Cisco didnt know anyone who had access to Stones books and records. Even the bankruptcy attorney for the P.C. didnt have any access to the P.C.s financial information. No one had authority to give the attorney rights to file for bankruptcy, and he could not affirm that it was really bankrupt. Therefore the proceeding was to be thrown out. However, the attorney that filed bankruptcy said he had seen a death certificate.

Ciscos client was taken for about $90k-$150k. Cisco said he heard that no cadaver had been logged in, the day after Stone was supposed to have died.

Cisco asked that I fax him the death certificate. As far as Cisco knew no one had been appointed to take over their financial records.

John Norris
Calloway, Norris, and Burdette

Just custodian of files, in charge of making sure that files get back to their rightful owners.
Sophia at the State Bar in Dallas has the physical files. 214/XXX-XXXX. Legal Assistant.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. You will not be charged for this letter, though the time (with no charge) will be on your next bill. This letter took me approximately 45 minutes to write and send. If you would like me to take any more action on your case, please let me know.

Talya B.

Fascinating, isnt it? Mr. Stone was quite a colorful character, per this letter. A thief multiple times, and STILL allowed to practice law in Texas with a clean record. Hed already been sued for bankruptcy fraud, and had defrauded several people. My money? Gone, spent by Stone. No way to recover it. Gone with the wind.

Oh, the intrigue! I guess Talya B. thought that this letter would be enough to make me forget all about being robbed by Texas attorneys. Her letter looks so professional.

However, regardless of what Bryan Stone did during his lifetime, or how many people he defrauded, or if any of the contents of this letter are true, this letter is nothing but a smoke screen to try to lead me to believe I cannot get my money back.

As fascinating as this letter is, it is irrelevant. Nothing written on that letter matters to my case. The one thing that matters, in order for me to recover my money, is that Bryan Stone is dead. Period.

In 1971, the State Bar of Texas established the Client's Security Fund to refund clients whove been defrauded by their attorneys, or whose attorneys have died before the client could collect the money. I qualified for both requirements. However, there was a big problem: Ilene Smoger. She and Bryan Stone had cashed my insurance check after my name was forged on its back. Her name was on the front of the check (even though I had fired her as my attorney because she had already defrauded me of a previous insurance check). The bosses at the State Bar of Texas were doing everything in their power to protect her, and that meant breaking every single law in Texas. They wouldnt - couldnt - allow me to learn about the Clients Security Fund and have me file a petition for the insurance money they owed me. The check had been cashed by forging my signature, and both Bryan Stone and Ilene Smogers names were listed as the attorneys representing me. So my new attorney wrote me a wi ld report depicting Bryan Stone as a master criminal who owed money to everybody and their mother. She never mentioned, not once, the Clients Security Fund, even though that was the place for me to request my money as it is the normal procedure when an attorney dies.

Another Texas lawyer breaking the law. Dj vu all over again.

Bryan Stone wasnt a mastermind, as the State Bar of Texas would like the public to believe. Bryan Stone was a patsy. We all know what happens to patsies in Texas.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Foreign Exchange (Forex) tradingexplained in detail for the novice

Foreign exchange trading is not for everyone. Not everyone who tries their hand at it's going to succeed. There are several that would additionally prefer not to study how to trade Forex, however rather have someone else do it for them. They would prefer to produce a income with out understanding the details or with out knowing how to imitate definite profitable schemes .Either they're too busy with their full time functions or have children than might want their interest when their not working or simply have very time intensive and demanding lifestyles. Well managed Forex accounts are about and prepared to aid you. Managed Foreign exchange Buying and selling is where you've a broker agent buying and selling in your behalf with your money.

So which sort are classified as the successful traders doing in a different way from the remainder of us?

Some would argue that it is those who are passionate about trading that turn it into a in the game. I have heard of a great deal individuals who intense love what their doing and are very effective in it. So might it's that we must have a ardour for the art of foreign trade trade? Naturally our passionate traders also genuine love making money, but they genuine love the method of creating the money simply as a lot as they genuine love making the money.

Let's get going by taking a look at Account Copiers. These are laptop packages that copy signals from profitable trader's accounts to yours. One or more of the most widely appeared to most suitable rated is known as Commerce Copier. This system is automated, all you do is programme it to obey definite instructions and keep it up together with your day. You do not have to turn into caught at your desk, watching the markets 24/You have the opportunity to spend your schedule as you please whilst Trade Copier executes your orders for you.
It is because lots of young and aspiring FX traders spend their substantial time in analyzing the forex trading charts and trade set ups in order to earn stable revenue in forex. Unfortunately, these young and aspiring traders are unable to realize that forex exchange advertise is an uncontrollable and probably the most un predictable currency buying and selling industry of the whole world that may alter any time. The marketplace is wild and impassive but it is highly rewarding for people who have highly effective foreign currency trading strategy. While, there are numerous forex trading strategies accessible on net however the strategy that would really work out on your behalf is "Set & Forget" foreign currency trading strategy.

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forex trading? I might say that a good foreign currency trading guide would have
consist of forex trading basics, foreign exchange technological analysis, fundamental
for distinct strategy developments. One of the much more prominent ones
that are being reviewed are automated foreign exchange trading.
This type of Trading carries with it a great deal of advantages like the ones described above, It just takes the ha ssle out of trading Foreign exchange in case you will not have the pertinent knowledge or patience to do so yourself.

Other effective merchants say that he secret is to bar out emotion. Make calculated choices and stay with it with out allowing your feelings to dictate. E.G. ,there are times when you will win and times whenever you're going to lose ,either technique to require to cope with the emotion and set it apart in order that you can easily move on to the next trade.
Metatrader is called a trading Platform whenever buying and selling Forex. You will discover various types of Metatrader accounts.Metatrader customer terminal is for single users, you just install the computer software and then get going using only it to help you trade by watching the market and the way it fluctuates. Then there's Metatrader Multi terminal which permits you to trade using numerous accounts.
Aspiring forex traders who spend their hours and long periods in analyzing the FX exchange advertise data, to get self-contained instruction over their forex trading system will actually make more emotional and technical mistakes in their trades as when equated with others. Merchants who already acknowledge the un controllable nature of FX exchange dispose of will actually come to "Set & Forget" foreign currency trading mentality for the consistent and solid success within the market.

The newest trend in foreign money trading has today qualified person forex traders trading their very own accounts because of the gained money! So what you need to do is locate a trader who has a confirmed "winning streak" and is ready to allow their account being commerce copied and relaxation assured they will make good decisions as they're buying and selling with their own hard earned and that's 1 much less thing you have to worry about.
analysis, buying and selling psychology, foreign currency trading systems, cash management rules, foreign exchange glossary, the way to select forex broker company etc.
signals are generated by robots or FX computer software that provide you with a warning to
both acquire and sell strategies.Consider it or not, automated forex alerts seem to be receiving the bulk claimed these sorts of buying and selling carries with it a great deal of dangers as well. Firstly, you should discover a corporation that can be trusted. Do you r due amount of study on the firm before posting their particular needs your hard-earned cash to stay clear of disappointments later on. Some of the far less believe worthy companies will inform you that they invested your cash in the overseas trade trade meanwhile the cash never left the company, and all you are able to do is take their word for it.
Some say it is about having the correct degree of discipline and making use of it which makes you stay with the plan.

Try out varied plans until you discover one that works for you, after which stay on it!
Metatrader Cellular allows you the freedom to business from any where at any time, with out being restricted to your desk. This foreign exchange equipment offers you the liberty to take pleasure from the complete trading expertise on your mobile intelligent phone.
The so next methods have been going to evaluate is called Foreign exchange Robot and like the name implies, this is automated trading. These robots have made small fortunes in the past - but mostly with their developers. The trouble with there robots is that they must turn out to be re- programmed every time this market stipulations change. So if your taking legal proceedings this robot to trade Forex and also you don't know programming, then it pretty much defeats the purpose. In the event you are technically challenged for instance me then steer clear from this trading method. A few of the forex trading guides prov ides forex trading tutorials to introduce you to the worldwide FX trading, in order that you will understand how to of the press in this ever enlarging market. Unfortunately, a lot of the press they appear to be getting is a adverse tilt and that is not you've spare money, it must always turn into managed effectively; the just one characteristic of a booming dealer is his expertise and self-discipline in managing his money. of how foreign exchange prices transfer and ways to develop your individual trading system. Several guides take on foreign currency trading tips, which is fundamental for these guys may possibly be promoting the get rich fast schemes for getting real estate at no cost and things similar to note purchasing. Why would anyone want you will discover contents just like the mechanics and introduction to FX trading, how to turn into a profession FX trader etc more persons in on trades would suggest much less income as the sector would catch up because of the sit uation a lot faster and there would be far less of a FX fundamentals section. Forex technological assay helps you to be able to read forex charts, use of Fibonacci, aid and resistance profit window.
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Divorce Lawyer Q&a

MoreDivorce Lawyerquestions please visit :

2nd divorce, my wife retaind same advocate i retained surrounded by first divorce is that a conflict of interest?
he represented me about 8 years ago. and i was going to retain him again. do i convey the lawyer or what, and can he represent me now that she retained him I do not see a conflict because at hand has...

A advocate cannot represent both you and your spouse if its an intended divorce. You could consult an expert or?
I don't know a lawyer that would represent both you and your spouse during a divorce. It would be a huge conflict of interest, and some judges would never allow it. You do not other need a lawyer to divorce, its...

A attorney is not getting my divorce done contained by a timely manor. can I get hold of my money rear.?
Anybody know a good divorce lawyer within Houston tx Ciano Pasta. We used him in an adoption and he is real appropriate. He also handles divorces a nd will not charge a fortune. He is not cheap, but his is not...

A divorce attorney contained by Denton Tx nouns?
Need to find a divorce lawyer who will work on a payment plan. I enjoy already tried Legal Aid, and they won't help me. They only give me information to some clinic to learn how to file my own papers which doesn't give a hand me at all since it is a contested...

A DIVORCE LAWYER told me....?

A friend of mine requirements a divorce but she have no money so she can't afford a attorney what can she do?
watch FireProof you grasp your answer from that . I'm curious why I'm not trying to be noise but if we know why we could give you a better answer right. try God agree to Him be your answer don't...

A hillbilly cultivator who looked-for to bring a divorce remunerated a look in to a advocate.?
The lawyer said, "How can I help you?" The cultivator said, "I want to get one of them dayvorces." The lawyer said, "Do you own any grounds?" The farmer said, "Yes, I got 40 acres" The attorney said, "No, you don't understand, Do you have...

A legal representative married a woman who have previously divorced ten husbands!?
On their wedding night, she told her trial husband, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin." "What?" said the puzzled groom. "How can that be if you've been married ten times?" "Well, Husband #1 be a sales representative: he kept telling me how great it be going to be....

A qeuestion for divorce lawyer?
When yo are s eparated from your spouse does he have to pay alimony? I also own another question how can you prove spousal abuse? Qualifications for spousal upholding vary by state. Let's say a ten year conjugal qualifies a woman for alimony. As soon as she separates from her husband, she brings a motion before the...

A relationship next to my divorce advocate??
My husband and I are in the middle of a divorce. We have five children together and they are living full time near me in my parent's home. Yesterday, I asked a question roughly an 'incident', concerning my soon-to-be ex, Cooper, and another girl. I ended up calling my lawyer and discussing my dealing...
A smaller amount expensive advocate contained by knoxville for divorces so i can start acceptance some child support really soon?
need help near an attorney who is afforable and can help me start receiving child support for my son i really entail some help with this its be 8 years now with no give support to from absent parent "> Simply...

Acting as own advocate contained by divorce. can i?
If I am acting as my own lawyer, Can i contact my wifes lawyer? Is here any reason not to? etc? If she has a attorney, you should, too. That said, you CAN save a lot of money by convention paperwork, dividing assets, working out a parenting plan, etc. yourselves. I got...

Acting as own advocate within divorce. can i?
If I am acting as my own lawyer, Can i contact my wifes lawyer? Is here any reason not to? etc? There's no officially recognized reason why you can't, but be VERY careful. Anything you utter may count against you later on. Unless you are an attorney yourself, you are no match for...

After anyone divorced contained by ohio,found wife misrepresented her income 2 years subsequently, legal representative said be more than 1 y
can court overturn a divorce decree if misrepresentation was discovered after the statue of cut expired?i discovered that my ex-spouse has misrepresented her income and i discovered that 2 years after papers were signed. the result be that her spousal...

After dragging a divorce out for 3 years, can she drop her legal representative and step to legally recognized aid?
Will legal aid take on a crust just because she doesn't want to or have the money to money her lawyer anymore? We recently found out that documents be falsified so her, and possibly her lawyer, will owe us money.. so...

Alabama divorce attorney give a hand!?
Ordered pap ers online for divorce for my brother. Received various papers all are signed and notarized. His wife is surrounded by IL and she will be served by sheriff. What forms do I need to take when I database for him (he cant go he's in Alabama within a FedPrison) do I need to take...

Alimony request 9 years after divorce settlement? My husband of late recieved a reminder from his ex wife's legal representative
stating that now his obligations in connection with child support are over (his 2 children are over 18 and in college) she wants him to settle all the college expenses and to pay her alimony, she get over a million cash...

Am going through a divorce an my spouses attorney is delay the trial date,how do i find to speed up the trail?
i live in california the original date is for july 14 within california ,her lawyer wants to adjournment it until september because she lives in atlanta.i cant wait that long beca use my mom who lives within a different country...

An adorable elderly couple dance to a divorce Lawyer.?
and ask for divorce. - But, you're the kindest, most loving couple in town. What happened? Do you really want a divorce. - Yes, it's over, finished. We can't stand eachother. It's ...over. -Ok, okay....starts the procedure. "but I must ask, why? you've been married over 50 years... why do you want...

Any competent divorce lawyer or smart directive students?
Here's the situation. My dad is married and wants a divorce. He moved to another state while his wife stayed in another state. She is hiding from him. His attorney states that he has done all he can do to try to find her. My quiz is, how does someone try to serve...

Any competent divorce lawyer or smart ruling students?
Here's the situation. My dad is married and wants a divorce. He moved to another state while his wi fe stayed in another state. She is hiding from him. His advocate states that he has done all he can do to try to find her. My examine is, how does someone try to serve...

Any divorce experts or lawyer out near?
Ok - I'm going to be totally honest. I have a boyfriend that is getting a divorce subsequent week. He's been separated for a year and has his own place contained by a different state. I met him 2 months ago. His divorce was supposed to happen closing month but his soon to be...

Any divorce lawyer Imight e-mail beside a request for information?
thank you "> It's unethical and could even be illegal for lawyer to give legal counsel like that. If you need unadulterated legal advice, see a advocate or just call legalized aid. If you do get advice over email, undergo in mind it shouldn't be taken as legal counsel. Harriet I...

Any divorce lawyer or paralegals please answer.?
If you've been thru the same entity, you can answer too. My Husband is planning on going back to his native country surrounded by december. He has informed me that he will not be coming back here. We own discussed divorce and I have picked up the paperwork to get it started. The problem...

Any divorce lawyer out at hand?? Been through a 2 hours of daylight trial, w/ child custody. I get full custody of my sons.?
They see their dad supposedly 43% of the time. My child support was cut to reflect the time they spend beside him. He doesn't pay for anything over and above what his wages were garnish. I lost...

Any divorce lawyer out in that?? Been through a 2 sunshine trial, w/ child custody. I get full custody of my sons.?
They see their dad supposedly 43% of the time. My child support was cut to reflect the time they spend beside him. He doesn't pay for anything over and above what his wages were garnish. I l ost my job...

Any divorce lawyer out nearby?
I filed for divorce a year ago. We have split everything - nearby is nothing left. We hold both signed all the papers. And its all sitting on his attorney's desk. My attorney merely writes more letters and makes more phone call asking his attorney to cooperate to get this thing done. BUT I foot for...

Any divorce lawyer out within? I stipulation some relieve!?
My boyfriend got divorced 3 years ago, 6 months after his wife left him. She have been seeing another man for at least a few months beforehand she told him she wanted a divorce. She doesn't know my boyfriend knows she be seeing someone else, but he does b/c she moved in...

Me and my wife have been married for 3 years and own a 2 year old son.Now i'm living in India(i'm an Indian)with my son and my wife(she's a canadian)lives contained by Canada.We b oth agreed to get a divorce as things arent working out between us and she has agreed to agree to me keep our son.Now...

Any Divorce Lawyers out at hand?
I need some advice. I hold been divorced for a year. During the divorce my ex-husband got the house. When we originally financed the house it be in both of our names. In our divorce papers it say that he has to refiance the house into his name contained by a "timely manner". What is...

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Monday, July 22, 2013

Defense Attorney FAQ

MoreDefense Attorneyquestions please visit :

I call for minister to finding a Defense attorney within Maryland for a civil crust surrounded by DC Superior Court . Please Help?
Contact the Maryland or District of Columbia bar association and ask for referals. Try the site below, this might be what you are looking for. You will get access to a TOP Law Firm within your State. Watch...

I hold three attorneys but one of them is apposite freinds beside the defense attorney should I hang on to him?
Ok, I have three attorneys but one of them is good friends near the defendants attorney should I still trust him to represent me in my case. One of the other attorney know one of the defendants attorneys but he...

I know its here employment, but how does a defense attorney live.?
with themselves knowing ,that some guy just murdered his wife, and that guy is very soon a free man? Or just murdered a few innocent children, or anything like that .... Is the money really worth letting a murderer shift free.. It is just a question, I know the tenet...

I lately found out that my former attorney collaborated next to the defense?
I brought a lawsuit against a common carrier and subsequently "prevailed" the findings be : unreasonable force ; unlawful ejectment and battery...recent incident with same company and driver resulted within a search on my part through chronicles on file at Superior Court. Where I found that counsel collaborated...

I want to bring my record hermetically sealed but i involve a defense attorney to attain it done, more or less how much would it cost?
i live in texas, if that matters Attorney rates can come and go wide from as low as around $100 to greater than $1000 an hour. Some attorneys also offer fixed rates. Just similar to...

I would close to to be a defense attorney,What do i do after finishing canon insti tution?
well after passing the tavern you either open your own department or hook up with a firm that handles criminals cases!! I'm assuming you denote criminal defense (as you could also mean civil defense). Your best bet to get experience is probably to work as...

If a defense attorney become a Prosecutor doesnt conflict of interest apply profoundly? I was reading a fictional book going on for a defense attorney who represented many criminals becoming a assistant DA and was thinking that profoundly of conflict of interest cases would come up due to knowledge learned while defending the criminals contained by that area. Does that happen...

If a Defense Attorney know his client is guilty, how do they argue for a non-guilty judgment surrounded by trial?
No, silly answers please. Thank You. Simply put, it is every defendant's constitutional right to hold the state (prosecutor) prove every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. So regardless of what the attorney know, they are defending their client's...

If a defense attorney know that the prosecutor is roughly to miss a file deadline?
against his client, is the defense lawyer obligated as an officer of the court to inform the prosecutor so that he can enter the charge on time? Added information: the client is guilty. NO, the defense attorney is NOT obligated to do so and should not...

If a defense attorney KNOWS his client is guilty, is he morally obligated to see that sprite is served?
if the defendant tells his counsel he is guilty or the counsel has conclusive proof his client is guilty of a crime, is the counsel morally obligated to see that the victims of that crime receive even-handedness, society is protected, and that...

If a defense attorney proves beyond a doubt that a wife lied to the jury in the region of her husband hitting her?
If a defense attorney proves beyond a doubt that a wife lied to a jury about her husband hitting her a year earlier would the jury hold doubts about her saying she be hit again a year later?...

If George W Bush be a on trial, three counts, who would be his defense attorney ? It can be anyone.?
If he was brought in for crimes against intelligence (pun) how would you save from harm him ? 1)I think that steroids ought to be banned from baseball. (GWB) Someone should agree to GWB know they've been banned since 2002......

If i am contacted by an investigator to answer question for a defense attorney what are my rights?
If you enjoy been given a subpoena to for a deposition then you enjoy to appear. However, depending on the case, and your involvement often it is fine to seek legal council for yourself. I would be more concerned if it be the...

If I be a defense attorney for Hitler(school project) what evidence would I offer to prove he is not guilty?
You cant prove it. He did crimes period weather insane or not. If is a law course it is a shame that they don't guide that some people don't deserve defending. Hitler being one of them. You're client is screwed. insanity...

If I become an atheist, should I switch career and become a Defense Attorney?
There's no way those murderer defenders believe surrounded by God. Truly, I have never be amused or even interested in anything you have ever asked. I maintain reading your posts for the slimest chance that MAYBE you will have some interesting to enunciate, but every time I...

If I considered necessary to become a attorney, would it be better to become a defense attorney or a prosecutor? And why?
I think it would be cool to be a lawyer. Which one do you consider would be a better choice, and why? Depends on what u want to do, safeguard criminals or protect the innocent. Which could go either...

If I respond to a defense attorney's request for info contained by a civil suit, will I draw from subpoenaed?
I was contacted recently by a defense attorney within a class action civil lawsuit for more info. I am likely favorable to the defendant because the defence is frivolou s in my opinion and should be thrown out. I would resembling to...

If Lisa Nowaks attorney's succeed contained by the insanity defense...?
what does that say about NASA? not much, huh? Depends Well, they've never revealled their specifications for why they pick consistent people... maybe they involve weirdos every now and then? eh?

If the alleged martyr of assault is proven by the defense attorney to own lied to the jury more than 10 times
If a defense attorney proves to the jury that the alleged victim has lied over 10 times to the jury in the region of things not related to the actual alleged assault, would that jury believe what the alleged...

If u be put as a defense attorney defending the guards within the concentration camp how would you guard them?
Im doing this as a project for history and i need some pointers on how to defend them. I dont agree next to this but its just a grade : ) Tell them to plead guilty. They used the only defense...

If you be Caylee's mother defense attorney what defense strategy would you use?
insanity . only an insane person could snuff a little girl. deny deny deny I havent be paying attention to all the evidence but from what I know my defense would be that the mother be strung out on drugs somewhere while leaving the daughter with a babysitter...recklessness...

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Four surefire signs show your wife is cheating on you

If you ask any man what is the biggest humiliation of a man, he will say it's having a cheating wife. That's why knowing the signs of a cheating wife can be vital to any man. Is the wife you love betraying you? We will find out now.

One of the foremost signs of a cheating spouse is she doesn't talk with you anymore or maybe she still talks but much less than before. Let's sit down and go back to the time when the two of you loved each other much, you will see how eager she was when talking with you. If she doesn't talk with you, she must have some other people to talk.

She's not talking with you, that's a very mild symptom. However, I'm able to say for sure she's cheating on you if your wife avoids making love with you. This is a very special characteristic of women. You will wife will not have sex with you if she's not in love with you anymore. You can ask many psychologists and they will give you the same answer.

Do you notice that she has new "male friend" recently? If that so, your wife is much likely a cheating spouse. Psychologists say that if a woman has "male friend", that's the sign she's seeking something to satisfy the needs that her husband cannot offer. What a male friend can do? Everything that you can do and even more than that. That means even making love with your wife.

The final symptom I want to share you is when a woman has an affair; she will not want to stay at home. Why she would stay at home to face the man she doesn't love anymore while she can go out there, meet the man of her life? That's why when a women is cheating, she will find a way to go out frequently even in the weekend.

So that is guys. If you feel the need, re read the article. However, if you still cannot determine if your spouse is a cheater or not, you need to check this site out. I'm sure you'll find the answers for your questions there.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Saturday, July 20, 2013

How to Catch Your Wife Or Girlfriend Cheating on You - 3 Tips to Nail Her

You don't want it to be true, but you have to admit that there is the real possibility that your wife or girlfriend might be cheating on you. All of a sudden, things just don't seem to be adding up, and your gut is telling you that something must be up. If you are caught in the position where you suspect that your wife or girlfriend might be cheating on you, then you want to keep reading.

Before you go and assume the worst, you need to gather some real evidence so that you can nail her. Hopefully, you will end up finding out that you were dead wrong, but you know what? That is not always the case. The reality is, women do end up sneaking around in the shadows, and the husband or boyfriend is usually caught by surprise.

Here are 3 tips on how to catch your wife or girlfriend cheating so you can nail her with some real evidence:

1. If your wife or girlfriend is cheating on you, then she probably is leaving clues all around you.

Usually hindsight is where you will see that there definitely were a lot of signs that your wife or girlfriend was indeed stepping out behind your back. What you need to do right now, is to start paying attention, look around with your eyes wide open, because there most likely are some clues around you right now.

2. Pay attention to her online activities.

If she is really doing something shady, then there is a good chance that she is using her computer to chat with whomever she is doing the shady stuff with. If she seems to suddenly be spending a lot of time online and she does not want you to see what she is up to, then you might have to deal with the fact that she really is cheating on you.

3. Check her phone contacts.

Cell phones can be an easy way for her to keep in contact with the other guy, and you might be surprised at how many women will keep their guy on the side's phone number on their phone. Even if she is not doing this, then there is a good chance that one of the numbers in the recent calls will be her beau. Of course, the possibility is also there that she might not be doing anything at all, but until you know for sure, it can drive you wild.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Friday, July 19, 2013

I Just Can't Get Over Him Cheating On Me

It's not at all uncommon for me to get several emails per day from women who tell me something like: "my husband cheated and had an affair over a year and ago and no matter what I do, I can not get over it or get the images of him with someone else out of my head. I know that he loves me and wants to make things work, but I just can't seem to get over this."

Another example is something like: "sometimes, I almost feel sorry for my husband. I know he wants to take this back and to fix this and I know that he wants for things to go back to being OK. But, I just can not forgive him, get over it, and move on. It stays with me no matter what."

Believe me when I say that I completely understand this. I had these feelings also. But, typically, there are some very common places where wives get "stuck" and become unable to move on. I will discuss where these places are, and how to move past them, in the following article.

Do You Believe That He's Truly Sorry For Cheating On You?: This is often the first place to start. Many women who send these emails have the shadow belief in the back of their heads that their husband is not really all that sorry. Perhaps they believe that he's only sorry now that he's caught. Or, they believe that he's only trying to do the right thing rather than the thing that his heart really desires. Or, sometimes they've heard the husband's excuses and explanations for the affair and have taken these things to mean that he finds fault with you or the relationship.

Whatever the reason for these doubts, many of the wife's who just can't move on secretly suspect somewhere near the bottom of their heart that their husband either isn't really sorry or doesn't really understand how deeply these actions have hurt and how devastating they really are.

Have You Left No Stones Unturned In Terms Of Your Healing And In Understanding Why This Has Happened?: It's a method of self preservation to want to move on as quickly as you can. Wallowing around in all this mire really hurts. Who wants to dwell here? So, it's normal for you to want to pull up stakes and put this firmly behind you as quickly as you can.

But, if you're really wanting to move on in a lasting and genuine way, it's very hard to do this if you brush over the issues that are going to keep right on popping up until you deal with them for good. As hard as it might be to stare this right in the face, doing this is one of the only ways to fully and completely move on. You need to dig deep to understand why and how this happened. It might hurt. It might leave you feeling raw and vulnerable. But, this knowledge will help you to fix the issues that contributed to this. And, knowing that you've done this is going to give you the confidence that you're in the best place you can be, and so that the next logical step is going to be leaving this behind.

So many wives feel shy about asking for what they need. They don't want to drag this out and ask for counseling or the hard discussions. They feel guilty about asking him to answer yet another set of questions or requesting that he continue to call and check in even though he's been doing this for months. But, if you allow yourself to brush your needs under the rug, you'll all but ensuring that they will attempt to get your attention in other ways like in your inability to move on.

Are You Focusing On What You Need And Want?: Many wives will place all of their focus on two places on their marriage and on their husbands. They want to do the "right thing" so that every one is happy and can return to normal. But, often, for whatever reason, this doesn't include themselves. We often think that we're just not worth it or that we can do without or that we're the one who fell short. We often deep down worry that this is really all our fault.

Please do not fall into this trap. It will lead you nowhere but to more pain and frustration. You did not ask for this or do anything wrong. No, you can't change this, but you can make sure that you have what you need to heal. This might mean working on and focusing on yourself. You really need to be very gentle and nurturing to yourself right now without any apology at all. This is a difficult time. There's no shame in struggling. It's understandable. But, sometimes, you are the one who is going to have to grab onto the life raft for yourself. Do whatever is necessary to rebuild your self esteem and your own inner happiness. This step is so important to restoring your confidence so that you are brave enough to move on.

Have You Built Something That Makes You Want To Move On?: Often, when people tell me that they can't get over the cheating, I always suspect that they've not yet rebuilt the relationship that's going to make them want to move on. Because once you rebuild your marriage to the place where you're happy, confident, and fulfilled, you honestly want to get over this and move forward as quickly as you can.

This doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you. Not at all. It just means that your husband (and perhaps yourself) have a little more work to do or that you need to look around and identify what issues are still left unsettled. If you need additional help, please get it. You absolutely deserve to be happy and to not suffer in having to carry this around with you for the rest of your life.

I know that attempting to move on after his cheating is painful and difficult, but healing is often closer than you may think. It took a lot of work and patience, but today my marriage is actually stronger than it ever was before. I also did a lot of work on myself and am happier as the result. Our bond and intimacy is much stronger and my self esteem is at an all time high. I no longer worry my husband will cheat again. You can read a very personal story on my blog at

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Does Knowing All Of the Details About The Cheating Or The Affair Make It Worse?

I recently heard from a wife who told me that her husband had agreed to sit down with her and tell her "all of the details of his affair." The wife admitted that she had been asking for this information for quite a while. About six months ago, the husband told the wife that he felt very guilty about something and finally admitted that he had a very short affair which was now over. But, beyond this very limited information, he was unwilling to tell the wife much more than this. Ever since, the wife had been demanding answers (which the husband had been very reluctant to give.)

Finally, the husband agreed to tell the wife "whatever she needed to know" about the affair. Initially, the wife was relieved, but the more she thought about it, the more she began to have concerns and reservations. She wondered if having all of these facts about the affair and about the other woman was only going to cause her more pain. In short, she asked me: "will knowing the entire truth about his affair just make things worse or do I need to know everything?"

The answer to this questions varies somewhat depending upon the situation and the people involved, but I definitely have some opinions on this based on my own experience and on the experiences of the women who sometimes comment on my blog. I will discuss this more in the following article.

You Need Enough Details About The Affair To Ensure That You Know What Type Of Situation You Are Dealing With: I agreed with the wife that being kept in the dark was not in her best interest. At this point, she had no idea who the other woman was, how the husband met her, or how and when they carried out the affair. Not having this information put the wife at a distinct disadvantage when it was time for her determine how she wanted to proceed.

In order to decide if the marriage is worth saving and how you can safeguard the marriage in the future, you need to know what (and who) you are dealing with. In my opinion, at minimum the wife needed to know: who the other woman was; how and why they began the affair; how long the affair lasted; who else was involved in the deception besides the two of them; and how the husband planned to rehabilitate himself and the marriage.

This is the minimum information that most women want to know, but some women have many more questions than this, which is certainly understandable. But, there is a fine line between wanting to know enough information to make an educated decision and dwelling on the things that are only going to hurt you and are likely going to make things worse.

The Details About The Affair That Might Make Things Worse Rather Than Making Things Better: Many women tell me that they want "all of the details" about their husband's affair. But, sometimes, once they hear some of the specifics that they thought they wanted, they find that they just can't get certain images and thoughts out of their heads. There is a fine line between demanding the details that you need to know and getting the details that are going to hurt you needlessly and delay your healing.

I always tell women to focus on the details that will strengthen rather than weaken them. These types of things are individual. But, in general, it will often hurt you to know the very specific details about the sexual aspect of their encounters. Many women tend to dwell in this area and want a very detailed description of exactly what happened and how much this was enjoyed by both parties. The answer to these questions can be very painful and I have to tell you that most women don't believe what the husband says in these instances anyway.

I've had women tell me that they wish they had never asked what type of perfume or lingerie the other woman wore because now they find themselves dwelling on these things or feeling pain every time they catch a whiff of the perfume in question or walk by the lingerie department at their local super center. I understand that it's very tempting to want all of the answers, but there are some answers that only cause you needless pain that is quite difficult to overcome.

This is why I often tell women to ask for information very gradually, starting with the most dire questions that need to be answered so they can evaluate the situation. Once you have the basics down and then give yourself some time to begin healing and evaluating where you want to go from here, you can then begin to ask yourself what else you feel that you absolutely need to know. And, even then, it's advisable to move very slowly and to take it one question at a time. After that, give yourself the opportunity to process and then reevaluate the situation as you take in more information at a very gradual pace.

I know that these questions and considerations are painful, but with the right plan, things often do get better. Rebuilding my marriage after my husband's affair took a lot of time, hard work and effort, but it was worth it. I now understand him, our marriage, and myself much more intimately. This has strengthened our marriage, and I no longer worry that he is going to cheat again. You can read a very personal story on my blog at

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sarah Palin - The Million Dollar Woman

The Former Alaskan governor and Tea Party darling announced on Wednesday, October 5, 2011that she will not run for President in 2012. Her main deciding factor for not participating is her family. Palin stated, "My family comes first." This disappointing news follows months of speculation of Palin's political future. Many people believed that she would throw her hat into the Presidential ring when she made herself known by spreading her political messages while embarking on a bus tour of the United States in the recent past. Palin believes that she can be more effective on the sidelines aiding a Republican candidate in the 2012 election. She discussed the possibility of running for President with her husband Todd prior to making her decision and concluded that running would put a considerable amount of strain on their family life (as Palin has repeatedly stated, family comes first). Further more she stated, "When we serve, we devote our selves to God, family, and country. M y decision maintains this order." She continued her official public statement by defending her decision by stating, "My decision is based upon a review of what commonsense conservatives and Independents have accomplished, especially over the last year. I believe that at this time, I can be more decisive in a effective role to help elect other true public servants to office". Palin thanks her supporters from the bottom of her heart for encouraging her and defending her record throughout the years. Palin adds, "Know that by working together that we can bring this country back and as I've always said, one doesn't need a title to help do it." She continues her official statement by stating that the candidate for President must embrace immediate action towards conventional energy sources, reducing tax burdens, and minimizing government in order to strengthen the economy and allow the private sector to create jobs. Palin concludes her statement by addressing her immediate future plans, "In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist replacing the President, retaking the Senate, and maintaining the House.

Palin's decision to not run coincidentally came one day after Chris Christie, New Jersey's Governor, publicly announced he will not run for the Presidency in 2012 as well. Palin's decision was not surprising to some. Her popularity has recently taken a downfall in the polls. While still remaining well liked by some hardcore conservatives, some Republicans feel that she strung along the public for an unneeded considerable length of time prior to announcing her decision. Some wonder if she's able to handle the office of the Presidency considering her prior overwhelming demeanor when she was in the national spotlight while being interviewed on television. The question of possibly running as a third party contender was raised. During an interview on Mark Levin's show, Palin stated that she would not consider being a third party candidate. The reasoning behind her decision is that she believes that it would almost guarantee Barack Obama's re-election.

Sarah Palin's followers and fans were not very pleased when hearing she will not run for President in 2012. Many expressed frustration and disbelief. There are many websites for Palin's followers to receive updates on her career and current activities. After her announcement on October 5, 2011, many followers left numerous comments on these websites expressing their feelings. Most of the comments were extremely negative in nature. To quote one Palin follower, "Sarah, I feel betrayed. You are the one we are waiting for. No one else will reform America You have broken my heart." Numerous fans feel as if they were teased. Since leaving her Governorship in 2009, she has repeatedly cast speculation on her candidacy for 2012. A Tea Party rally where thousands of Palin's fans cheered her on in Des Moines, Iowa, she gave a campaign themed speech. After reading all of the Palin comments throughout the Web, I concluded that they all have a common theme. If I were to sum up the comme nts in one word, it would be betrayal. To quote another fan who defended Palin's decision to not run and felt as if other parties were sabotaging her candidacy, "Her enemies rise up from the fetid underbellies of their slime encrusted rocks, pull their vilest, most nauseating dreck out of the putrid recesses of the scum clogged shells they use for brains in order to smear her, and miraculously Sarah becomes more popular." In plain terms, people come out of nowhere and attempt to bash Palin. No matter how hard they attempt to hurt her character, Palin still remains professional, unscathed and bows out like a lady. One particular comment asked Palin if the outrageous claim of impropriety stated the recently published book by Joe McGinniss.

An unauthorized biography written by Joe McGinniss, The Rogue: Searching for the real Sarah Palin, has many character killing statements throughout the book. First, McGinniss tells us that while Palin was dating her current husband Todd, Palin had a six-month affair with Glen Rice. At the time of the alleged affair, Rice was a college basketball player. Presently, Rice plays in the NBA. An existing rumor is also allegedly confirmed in the book. The rumor being, Palin had an affair with her husband's business partner in 1996. McGinniss also states that Palin smoked marijuana with a college professor in Alaska and used other narcotics with her husband Todd, while on a snowmobile outing with friends. The publisher of The Rogue is Crown, a division of Random House. In a statement from the publisher, McGinniss began his research for the book in late 2008. The book is generally based on Alaska's political and business affairs and obviously Palin's personal, political, and family life. Palin threatened to sue Crown after the publishing of The Rogue, which uses "nameless sources" and "false statements" about Palin's family. A source that is close to Palin's family, interviewed with ABC News. The source informed ABC that the Palin family is furious and they want to know why Random House (the publishing company that owns Crown) knowingly published false statements. Random House is a well known publisher and is at the top of their industry. Palin's lawyer, Tiemessen state that the publisher was well aware that the statements were untrue and went forward with the publishing regardless. In a statement that Tiemessen wrote, explains in detail the Palin's disgust, "The final work that was published contains most of the stories that McGinniss wrote were nothing more than tawdry gossip that amounted to the wishful fantasies of disturbed individuals," while adding, "Since both your company and your author, truly know your statements are false, admitted they ha ve no bases in fact, but decided to publish in order to harm Governor Palin's family, you and Mr. McGinniss have defamed the Palin's." As you would imagine, McGinniss and the Palin's are feuding to say the least. Sarah Palin had a tall fence installed at her home in Alaska when McGinniss moved in to a house next door to the Palin's. Despite Palin's effort to keep her personal life personal by installing the fence, McGinniss was still able to retrieve dirt on the Palin family and is painfully obvious within the pages of The Rogue.

As if Sarah Palin didn't have enough to deal with, she is also suspected of mortgage fraud in reference to the purchase of a home in Arizona. Apparently, Palin was involved with a company that purchased a home in Scottsdale Arizona. Reportedly, the sale of the house may have been improperly acquired due to improper foreclosure proceedings. Due to the tainted foreclosure procedures, the owner of the home is in question. The two major issues of the transaction are fraudulent signatures during the home's re-financing, and fraudulent signatures of the home's foreclosure transaction, prior to Palin's company purchasing the property. These findings may question if the sale of the house was in fact legal.

The Million Dollar Opportunity

If Sarah Palin is a bit short on cash, there's a way she can make a quick million. Apparently, mailed Sarah Palin and her husband Todd a business proposition. The proposition is in the form of a lie detector test. Sarah and her husband Todd will be asked questions about their infidelities. If they pass the test, they are one million dollars richer. In addition, the Palin's must agree to allow them to exclusively broadcast the results of the lie detector test. The website is not considered a fly by night site that only a few people visit. They are "The world's leading married dating service for discreet encounters". They have approximately 11.8 million members worldwide. I visited the website searching for information that explains the site's purpose. The site explains, "Our role is to keep them" (unfaithful people) "from taking unnecessary risks while they explore the feelings that got them to our website to begin with. Helping individuals stay ing safe and anonymous impact the potential outcome of their decisions." On their homepage it states, "Life is short, have an affair". I don't know the Palin's financial situation, but one million dollars for a few moments of their time sounds like a tempting offer. Worse case scenario, the public will find out that the statements in The Rogue are true. Most Americans already believe the rumors. The vast majority of people believe if someone takes the time to put something in writing, then it must be true. It's not a good general rule to live by, but it's true nonetheless. If the website has public stock, I strongly suggest you purchase as many shares as possible quickly. After the lie detector test is broadcasted, the stock will go through the roof.

The Republican field for the 2012 election has been thinned out. Although the pickings are slim, The Republican Party remains in search of the best Presidential candidate. Georgia's businessman Herman Cain has recently been surging in the polls. He has reportedly held an executive position for a pizza company. The two front runners are the former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, Governor of Texas. Neither candidate has the full backing and confidence of the Republican Party. It looks like 2012 may be yet another year Americans must choose the best of the worst.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fujifilm FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera : Play with images

To make your memories brighter, sharp and colorful, the new Fujifilm camera sports a 16 megapixel CMOS sensor and a decent form factor.

Are you a camera shy person? Then Fujifilm FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera will change you as now you would love to pose for this feature rich camera. Fijifilm has claimed that the camera is part of S-series, which employs EXR technology. The EXR technology will add versatility in your photography passion by capturing crystal clear images even in low lighting condition.

The new Fijifilm camera has a 30x optical zoom which is a key feature of the camera. . The optical zoom ranges from a wide angle 24mm through to a 720mm telephoto that allows user to capture distant landscapes as well as extreme close-ups. Also, FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera is equipped with CMOS Shift Image Stabilization, which facilitates to capture professional quality images, at an affordable cost.

To make your memories brighter, sharp and colorful, the new Fujifilm camera sports a 16 megapixel CMOS sensor and a decent form factor. 3.0-inch t LCD with 460 ,000 pixel and new Rich User Interface using Vector fonts and graphics, the combination clicks superior quality images.
Additionally, the Fujifilm camera can capture videos at 1080p with which users can instantly playback the videos by hooking it up to an HDTV using a HDMI connection. Other striking features include Super Intelligent Flash, Best Frame capture mode, Easy Upload to instantly share your videos and photos along with advanced Anti-Blur technology.

Despite many striking features, the Fujifilm FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera is quite big and bulky, so it is not easy to carry out the device during your thrilling holidays.

The Fujifilm FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera lacks lithium ion battery. Instead, it is equipped with 4-AA alkaline batteries, which are able to capture upto 350 frames.

Enriched with brilliant imaging capability, the Fujifilm FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera is priced at Rs.26, 990 and available with 2 year warranty.

Summary of the article: Are you a camera shy person? Then Fujifilm FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera will change you as now you would love to pose for this feature rich camera. Fijifilm has claimed that the camera is part of S-series, which employs EXR technology. The EXR technology will add versatility in your photography passion by capturing crystal clear images even in low lighting condition.

The new Fijifilm camera has a 30x optical zoom which is a key feature of the camera. . The optical zoom ranges from a wide angle 24mm through to a 720mm telephoto that allows user to capture distant landscapes as well as extreme close-ups. Also, FinePix HS20 EXR digital camera is equipped with CMOS Shift Image Stabilization, which facilitates to capture professional quality images, at an affordable cost.

To make your memories brighter, sharp and colorful, the new Fujifilm camera sports a 16 megapixel CMOS sensor and a decent form factor. 3.0-inch t LCD with 460,000 pixel and new Rich User Interface using Vector fonts and graphics, the combination clicks superior quality images.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Monday, July 15, 2013

Texas Attorney General

Anyone living in Texas and trying to collect unpaid child support from a dead beat parent is all too familiar with the Texas Attorney General. They go on record stating how much money they have collected and how they are on the children's side.

Up until about a month ago, I believed them. I've been divorced from my first husband for eight years. When our divorce was final, he was ordered to pay support for our two children. At the time they were twelve and ten years old. As the years went by he paid the support he was ordered to pay. Every three years there was a review to modify support, based upon his wages.

At the last hearing, three years ago, he was ordered to pay support indefinitely for our youngest daughter, who is now eighteen and mentally and physically disabled. Not only was he ordered to do this, but he was also ordered to pay back money he had stolen from her some years ago when her disability check had been accidentally been mailed to his address instead of mine, and he took it upon himself to sign and cash the check and take his girlfriend on a shopping spree.

In the last three years since this hearing, he has not paid back one penny of the stolen money, which was nearly a thousand dollars.

Last month it was finally time for another review. The statement showed he still owed for the stolen money plus interest. I was thankful and relieved that finally my daughter would be getting her money returned.

The day of the hearing I took my file, a copy of the canceled check with his thumb print and signature and a current printout of his live in girlfriend's son who is a registered sex offender in Texas. I was going to be ready for anything he was going to throw at me.

I walked into the courthouse and saw my ex-husband sitting with the attorney general's attorney. The way the hearing works is the attorney general sends an attorney, who does not represent either parent, but is there to make sure the children are represented and do what is best for them.

I found my seat, and the hearing began. The attorney asked my ex-husband if he was working. He stated that he is not currently employed, and is only receiving about six hundred and fifty dollars a month in social security benefits, which is what he is living off of. The attorney then asks me if I am currently working, and I answered yes. At this time, my ex-husband is paying two hundred and fourteen dollars a month for child support. I asked him, in front of the attorney, how he lives on four hundred and thirty six dollars a month. The attorney asked him does he have any other income. My ex-husband tells him no. Then I pulled out the copy of the check and the statement the attorney general's office had sent showing the amount due and the arrearages due. The attorney asked my ex -husband if he took this money from his daughter. He sat there a minute as if to think, and said he did take it. Then, the attorney asked him if he wanted to pay it back, he did not order him to pay it back, he asked him if he wanted to pay it back. My ex-husband had to take a few minutes to think it over, and finally decided to answer. He said he would pay it back.

What the attorney did next made me sick. He actually stood up and held his hand out to shake my ex-husbands hand, and said to him, Thank you for being a stand up father and doing the right thing. I felt as if I had been slapped in the face. Then the attorney gets out his calculator and reduces his child support to one hundred and twenty seven dollars. He then stated that my ex- husband can pay back the stolen money each month and adds eighty seven dollars onto this amount, bringing the total back to two hundred fourteen dollars a month. He didn't want my ex-husband to be strapped each month. Not only did he lower the amount but to make matters worse, the attorney told my ex-husband that when my daughter began receiving her own disability check each month, then he may not have to support her any longer.

Needless to say I walked out of there feeling numb and as if I'd been ripped off.

This is how the attorney general's office shows such a big profit in collecting back child support. It's a disgrace. They are not out for the best interest of the children or the parents who care for these children, but for the best interest of their all mighty dollar amount they show each month, at the expense of children.

I am going back to court in November, and I am going to contest this ruling. I am going to ask for a judge to rule instead of the attorney general's office, which I found out I could do that day, but the attorney did not tell me that this was an option.

It's hard raising children in our world today. It's even harder raising a disabled child. I need all the help I can get. I changed jobs three years ago so I could be home with her. My current husband went back to school so he could be better educated and make more money so I could change jobs.

Not once did the attorney shake my hand and tell me what an upstanding mother I was. Not that I needed him to say this, it just makes me sick that he thinks a man who steals from his children and purposely stays unemployed to avoid more child support is an upstanding father. The system needs to help the children and the parents in positive ways, not reward the dead beats with lower payment and praise.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog