Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bloodhound Dog Breeds: The Top Ten Dogs of Bloodhound

Enlarge ImageThe Hound Group includes dog breeds with a wonderful sense of smell and / or great athleticism. These breeds were developed to follow the game by sight or by smell. Sighthounds include Afghans fast, easy, greyhounds and Salukis. Greyhounds need much exercise but some breeds like the Borzoi, the Greyhound, the Irish Wolfhound and the Saluki can adapt to being left alone during the day if they get lots of exercise before and after work. Scent hounds include the slower Bloodhounds, Bassets and Beagles. The dogs of this group have a large variation in size and range from tiny miniature Dachshund Irish Wolfhound extremely high. The top ten most popular hound dogs in the United States are as follows. The number in parentheses is the rank of race on the 154 breeds registered by the American Kennel Club in 2005.

1. Beagle

The popular (# 5) Beagle is one of the oldest breeds of dog bloodhound. The smaller Beagle is calm, loyal and excellent with children and other dogs. The race is gay and happy, and they make good pets with the exception of the nose. Once an odor is lighter it will follow to the exclusion of everything else. Lighters are fairly difficult to obedience train because of their independent or stubborn series.

2. Dachshund

Dachshunds are small dog breeds with a long body, short crooked legs and large floppy ears. The popular (# 6) Dachshund comes in two sizes - Miniature and Standard and three varieties of coat - Shorthaired, long haired and naked. Dachshunds Doxies or playful, joyful and curious. Doxies are fine with older children, but do not like the rough handling they may receive from a toddler. Dachshunds can be independent and stubborn and are difficult to tame and train.

3. Basset Hound

The medium to large sized Basset Hound is a short-legged, loose skinned and powerfully built dog with a great sense of smell. Bassets are one of the easiest and best current mood of all dog breeds. The popular (# 27) Basset is very gentle, warm and trustworthy. These dogs love their masters, children and get along well with other animals and strangers. Bassets can be stubborn, especially when they are investigating an intriguing smell.

4. Bloodhound

The Bloodhound very large and powerful is known for his keen sense of smell is most acute of all dog breeds. The Bloodhound is a kind, gentle and kind dogs. The breed is quite popular (# 50) and is gentle and affectionate with his family and children. The Bloody must be supervised in small children and pets as it can be possessive of his food and toys. Bloodhounds are prodigious droolers.

5. Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a lean, muscular and beautiful, large dog breed. The Ridgeback gets its name from a characteristic peak flow, it's back, where the stiff hair grows in opposite direction to the rest of the dress. The Ridgeback is fairly popular (# 54) and is trustworthy, loyal, intelligent and makes a great family pet. He is extremely protective of her immediate family and wary of strangers and other animals. Ridgebacks are good with children if raised with them, but young Ridgebacks can be too exuberant for toddlers and young children

6. Whippet

Whippet (# 61) is a medium sized dog that view very much like a small Greyhound. The Whippet gets along well with children and makes a good family dog. This breed is of good character, gentle and very playful. Moreover, this dog can be trained quickly, sheds very little and is a perfect size for an apartment. While it is important to know that Whippets like and even expect to sit on furniture - so that should not be a concern if you are considering this breed.

7. Basenji

Basenji (# 81) is a great dog small, elegant and athletic that trots like a horse and keeps fastidious lick clean like a cat. Basenjis do not bark does not make other unusual sounds like a yodel, howl or chortle - depending on his mood. The Basenji is spirited, affectionate, demanding and almost cat-like in its cleanliness, lack of bark, grace of movement and inexhaustible curiosity. This breed needs an experienced owner and lots of walks and recreation to keep it from getting into trouble.

8. Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound (# 87) is the largest greyhound and one of the largest and strongest of all giant dog breeds. This breed makes a wonderful family dog as it is reliable, patient, gentle, intelligent and good with older children. The greyhound loves his family and is not aggressive towards strangers or family pets. Toddlers should be supervised carefully around young Wolfhounds as they are in danger of being accidentally knocked. Fully-grown Wolfhounds can be left alone during the day as long as they get some moderate exercise before and after work.

9. Borzoi

The Borzoi (# 94) or Russian Wolfhound is a tall, lean and aristocratic looking large to very large dog that belongs to the group of sight hound dog breeds. Borzoi are kind, gentle and well behaved inside. This breed loves attention and loves to sit on a soft bed, a round or even a couch. Borzoi enjoy the company of other greyhounds, but race is not good with small animals and young children unless raised with them. Borzoi do not need too much exercise and should not be let off leash because they still retain a high prey drive.

10. Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound Large (# 95) has a character worthy and a bit away but it is also very loyal and loving dog. Afghan puppies and adolescents require a lot of knowledge and patience to train and need firm and gentle handling. This breed can be difficult to tame and train - so professional training may want. Afghanistan needs a lot of exercise but still retains a high prey drive and run off if you let it off leash. The Afghan is suspicious of strangers but can adapt to older children if raised with the family. However, the Afghan should be monitored twenty-four children down like the dog can have a bad temper in adolescence.

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