Monday, November 11, 2013

All About Taurus Men

Taurus men are exactly the kind of men that your mother wants for you dependable, responsible and loyal. You can always count on them to keep their word and if they tell you they'll be somewhere, they'll be there...on time. They also cope with everyday problems better than most other astrological signs. When things go wrong, Taurus is who you want to be with. These men have a stoic acceptance of life's inevitable challenges, and can handle them full-on without hesitation. They can help reassure you, especially if you're prone toward more emotional or dramatic responses.

Taurus men are like the strong, handsome heroes in so many romance novels. They're solid and immovable, traits that bring their own sort of comfort. In addition to his strength of will and character, the Taurus man also has an appealing sensual quality that most women cannot resist. He's gentle, affectionate and very good with children.

Taurus men can sometimes be a pain but only if they aren't your type. If you prefer spontaneous surprises and fancy outings, you'd better leave the bull in the pasture where he's content. If you're seeking security, love and caring, however, Taurus men are just what you need. They don't like surprises, so are rarely found surprising their lovers, but this doesn't mean they lack in providing love and attention it's just not the most spontaneous kind.

Taurus men are also uneasy in a room full of strangers, so you can forget those nights spent out partying. Don't ask him to go out on a whim, either, because the Taurus man hates being asked to go somewhere without plenty of time to think it over. Even if it's something you know he'd like, he still needs a few days to think about it before anything sounds fun. If he's forced to make a quick decision, the answer will always be no. As far as trips in general, he can usually be persuaded to go, but don't force him to live out of a suitcase or hotel for long.

Uncomplicated, steady and genuine, Taurus men make excellent partners. They often go for fiery women who have the spontaneity and imagination they're missing then they complain when she doesn't want to stay at home. Don't fall for a Taurus man and expect too much from him. He'll be a wonderful companion, partner, lover and father always faithful and true. However, he's not the most exciting sign in the zodiac.

Taurus men also have a notorious lazy streak and they can be couch potatoes, especially if they put on a little weight from lack of exercise. Once they start on a project, however, they won't stop until they see it through to the end. They'll paint the house, build a cabinet or clean out the garage, because they get a fulfilling sense of accomplishment when finishing a job and viewing their own handiwork.

If you like to pick out clothes for your man, remember that Taurus men like to dress for comfort. Loose-cut silk or brushed cotton shirts and soft denim pants are best. If he puts on a suit and tie to take you out, rest assured he thinks very highly of you because he's not doing it for himself. He'd be much happier in his old, ratty bathrobe and slippers.

Noise and discord irritate Taurus men, especially fighting children. They dislike a house full of people and don't particularly care for entertaining. In a restaurant, Taurus men feel most comfortable with a booth near the back. Don't make him sit at a table in the middle of the room with people constantly walking by him and coming up behind him.

What Taurus men do love are long drives in the country or long-distance car trips where they can view trees, mountains, meadows and grazing animals in fields. This type of scenery heals the Taurus man's soul. Most Taurus men like to watch golf on television as well, because the slow pace and acres of green grass soothe him.

If you need variety and constant spice in your life, you wouldn't be wise to settle down with a Taurus man. If you like mind games, look elsewhere. Taurus men takes what others say literally and speak bluntly themselves. They don't play games, and they also have difficulty discussing psychological and emotional issues; they just block them out. You may find yourself trying to explain your feelings to him, and he'll simply smile condescendingly and tell you that you're being silly. This can be invalidating and infuriating, but there's no changing stubborn Taurus men in this department.

As a lover, Taurus men have a slow, steady manner. A physical, earthy sign, Taurus often prides himself on his competence in the bedroom. Sex is important to Taurus men and they should not be hurried through it. However, they don't make the most exciting lovers. Once they find something that works, they stick to it. The trick is to teach him what you like from the beginning, so at least he sticks to that!

Taurus men are notoriously stubborn. Men of this sign are the least likely to change, and you can't prod or nag them into doing something they're set against. They don't like change, especially if it means starting over, such as getting a new job, starting a new relationship or moving to a new place. The good thing about this trait is that Taurus men are not likely to give up on their marriage, even if things become difficult. They would never throw away their wife and family for a passionate fling. While there's not guarantee he'll stay with you forever, the Taurus man is not the type to cheat or walk out.

When it comes to food, Taurus men prefer meat and potatoes. If you're a vegetarian, you'll be cooking two meals or adding meat to his. If you like to experiment with exotic dishes, don't expect your Taurus man to rave about your cooking skills. He tends to like the same old thing meat loaf, pot roast and steak.

Although stubbornness and lack of spontaneity are often their worst traits, Taurus men can also become very different if someone threatens his possessions, home and family. In rare cases, he may even become violent in the face of such a threat. Don't ever wave a red flag at a bull unless you're prepared to be charged. However, he would never act violently toward loved ones, especially his wife and children.

Living With a Taurus Man: Do's

Cook his meals at home, because to him, a home-cooked meal is an act of love.

Appreciate your Taurus man, because there's a good chance he'll always remain faithful to you.

Be aware that he needs time each week to sit in front of the TV without having to answer any questions.

Living With a Taurus Man: Don'ts

Don't expect him to quickly get over it when he becomes angry. Give him time to think it over and recover.

Don't expect him to attend all of the social events you want to go to. Make sure you have friends that can indulge you in this department, because Taurus men do not frequently enjoy a night out on the town.

Don't allow your friends and relatives to drop by at any time, because Taurus men don't like people intruding on their space. Have a call first rule to keep him happy.

Other Zodiac/Astrology Articles:

Scorpio Cancer Compatibility

How to Attract a Scorpio Man

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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