Thursday, September 5, 2013

Exercises For Love Handles

Don't you just hate your loves handles? No, come one, really? Don't you just hate them? No matter how hard you exercise they are always there. Do you know why? Because there are no specific exercises for love handles. Love handles are just excess body fat that likes to hang off the side of your hips over the waist of your pants. And there isn't an exercise in the world that can tighten up fat.

You can do thousands of sit-ups, crunches, and other equally painful Ab exercises all for naught. You have to get rid of the fat if you ever have a chance of getting rid of your love handles. If you are indeed doing abdominal exercises then once the fat begins to go away you will start to see the fruits of your hard work. That nice six-pack that's been hiding beneath its warm blanket of fat and most importantly your love handles will start to melt away.
There are a minimum of three things you must do to get rid of your love handles.

1. Diet - This has nothing to do with the latest diet fad. This has everything to do with the nutritional value of the food you eat. Your body is a high performance machine. It needs protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins and minerals to function properly. A lean healthy diet will allow your body to metabolize its fate store more efficiently

2. Core Strengthening Exercises - You must exercise and strengthen all your core muscles, not just your abs, if you want that firm toned midsection. In addition it is vitally important that you also exercise your major muscle groups which include your legs and back. These are the biggest muscles in your body and working them burns more calories then exercising just your abdominal muscles.

3. Cardio/Aerobic Training - The key to getting rid of fat is burning more calories than you take in. Aerobic training combined with the tips above does just that. If you want to get rid of belly fat then get up off the couch and go for a walk, take a bike ride, or play some hoops. Find something you like to do and keep doing it.

Remember there are no specific exercises for love handles. To make them disappear you have to not only exercise your core muscle groups but you also need to burn the extra calories to get rid of the fat. Only then will your love handles start to disappear.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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