Saturday, August 10, 2013

2 Secret Strategies To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Whilst love handles are a common problem amongst men of all ages, it is a fact that there is little to no useful information about them out there. People, for one reason or another, do not give enough focus to love handles as much as they give to other areas where fat typically accumulates. However, as with other types of fat areas, the love handles - which are sometimes called spare tires - is one place where people would desperately love to get rid of excess fat.

The thing with getting rid of love handles is that no two people are the same. If you have two people who follow the same type of lifestyle, there is a huge chance that one person will get love handles whilst the other will not. Why does this happen? Well, the biggest reason for this is genetics. People have different genetics and this leads to people having different bodies.

With that said the two common factors which work on everyone and everybody out there to get rid of love handles are diet and exercise. When you combine these two factors together you will get such an explosive love handle buster that you will wonder where they disappeared to. And lets face it, who doesnt want this feeling, right?

Therefore, listen up. Im about to reveal the secret that will let you get rid of your love handles once and for all. The secret is the following. You must make sure that you follow a combined effort when it comes to diet and exercise. Forget about one of these elements and all your efforts will be for nothing.

Therefore, lets talk about diet first. To get rid of love handles your diet should consist of five to six meals daily, with balanced types of foods, such as lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Do not include any type of trans fats in your diet and focus on drinking a lot of water.

When it comes to weight training to get rid of love handles, make sure that you have a plan that you will follow to the letter, because this plan will allow you to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. The more muscle you have on your body, the easier it is to lose fat and get rid of love handles.

After these two ingredients are part of your lifestyle, then it is time to include cardio in the mix. This means that you will be doing some form of high intensity training two to three times per week in the beginning to get rid of love handles. Make sure that you focus on intensity because this is the key. This type of training will create a fat burning furnace which will leave your love handles no option other than to melt away.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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