Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your Husband Cheated And Its All Your Fault Pt. 1

You are probably expecting me to detail everything that men want in a relationship that you are not doing enough of, if any at all. In a nutshell, you don't have enough sex, you definitely don't perform enough oral sex, you don't praise him enough, you don't cook enough or if you do cook, you don't cook the food the way he really wants it cooked, you don't keep the house clean enough, you don't take care of the children the way he thinks that you should, you don't iron his clothes the way he likes them ironed, you don't contribute enough money to the household, the tone in which you speak to him is not to his liking, you talk to muchdid I mention that you talk to much? Oh, and of course you don't have enough sex.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Did your husband sleep with another woman? Maybe he slept with a lot of other women? Is it possible that you "wanted" him to break your coveted vows by telling countless lies, being secretive, with-holding truth, sneaking around with other women (or in some cases other men), and carrying on in a fashion not conducive to a healthy relationship? Did you have a fear that your husband would cheat? Did you already know of his infidelities in his previous relationships? Were you the other woman cheating with him in his last relationship? No matter why you've chosen to read this article it is my intention to reveal to you how you created this experience and to assist you in your personal self-discovery. You don't have to suffer in the despair of heartbreak, you only have to understand your role in the affair so that you can move forward without continued pain.

I'll bet you are wondering what qualifies me to write this article? Well, I've been cheated on enough to have learned a few lessons about it and I'm intelligent enough to accept responsibility for having brought the experiences into my life.

Let's be clear on exactly what cheating is in a relationship. It is when two people have established boundaries for the relationship and one or both involved in the relationship operate outside of the boundaries. I believe that every relationship is unique and only those involved in that relationship can define the rules that will confine it, often referred to by me as the "Relationship Agreement". For the sake of understanding cheating and accepting responsibility for bringing a cheater into your experience we must establish what constitutes cheating. Cheating plainly means: breaking the ties that bind the relationship.

You are always perfectly matched with life experiences that provide what you are subconsciously desiring. Your husband, in his cheating is fulfilling his desires on multiple levels and you in this situation are also fulfilling your desires. Now, to completely understand this idea you have to acknowledge that everything in your life is in Divine Order. You are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing in order to gain the experiences that are necessary for you to expand. Let go of the notion that you are a "victim" of your husband's infidelities. Being a victim renders you powerless, it diminishes your personal value. When you release your need, your desire to be a victim of your husbands choices, you re-ignite your powerful resilience to learn, engage and create the relationships of your choosing. What you are experiencing is always perfectly aligned with what you are wanting.

"What are you saying, Angel? That I want a cheating husband?"

No, absolutely not! What I am saying is that your inner-being wanted to learn something very important from your cheating husband. I can't tell you exactly what that is, trust, love, acceptance, forgiveness, humilityI don't know, because I don't know you. However, what I do know is that there is something in the experience of your cheating husband that you desired to live so that your spirit could grow.

In past relationships, I would descended into a deep spiral of tragic thoughts and emotions about all that I could've possibly done or not done to cause him to want sex with any other woman besides me until I uncovered the truth about why men have cheated on me. The answer came clearlyit was always my fault. Any and every woman who has ever been in a relationship with a cheater has "chosen" that as a part of her unique life experience. That's right, I am saying that for whatever reason, you invited this type of person into your personal intimate journey. For me it was about trust. I revealed that my core relationship experiences were about learning to trust others and myself in life. It is up to you to ascertain the underlying reasons for your personal experience and move forward into the expansion of you.

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Disclaimer: The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for

well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this report for yourself, which is your constitutional right,

the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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