Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Humor in Relationships - Relationships - Dating

When asked the top traits desired in a relationship, most people are likely to list humor as one. Humor is something that seems to speak to the human soul. People use humor in many different ways, including to help nurture and maintain relationships. Everyone has encountered someone in their life who can make them laugh and they cherish the person and the relationship for that. Humor in relationships is a really good factor that can help make a relationship last.

There are many reasons why humor is important to relationships. The following explains a bit about how humor affects a relationship and the benefits it has.

- Humor can create a bond. Humor when used correctly can bring people together. It can make people like each other. People love having a good time and laughing is associated with a good time. The body reacts to humor in a way that people associate a humorous person with good feelings. That is why funny people always seem to have a lot of friends.- Humor can open up communication. Just as humor creates a bond between people it also creates a feeling of kinship or trust. People feel it is easier to talk to someone who is humorous or uses humor often. Humor used in a constructive manner can really be a great way to improve upon communication in a relationship.- Humor can change a situation. Most people have used humor to cover up something embarrassing. It is common because humor has a way of being able to shift the focus and change the situation.

Humor is not just a fun weekend night out activity. Humor can be found in everyday life. A person who can find humor in anything is someone who is likely to be well liked. People prefer someone who is happy to someone who is grumpy and funny people just tend to be happy people.

Humor can be used negatively, though. Negative humor can destroy relationships. It can create tension and it can be very destructive. Humor should never be used to belittle someone or to embarrass someone. Humor should always be upbeat and keep that crazy, funny edge to it.

Humor in relationships is a great stepping stone. Many times, though, people find a relationship that is only built on humor fades quickly. Humor alone cannot sustain a relationship. A relationship needs other factors in order to grow and last. Humor in relationships, though, is a great addition and is always welcomed. Everyone loves a good laugh and by using humor in relationships a person is likely to find they are generally more happy and their relationships are longer lasting then people who leave humor out of their relationships.

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