Monday, February 20, 2012

Get Your Partner To Agree To Relationship Counseling - Relationships - Love

37 Get Your Partner To Agree To Relationship Counseling

Many people decide to go to relationship counseling as their last ditch effort before divorce. There are other couples who go to counseling at the point where the problems first show up to nip them in the bud. Relationship counseling is something almost every couple will need at some time or the other. People shouldnt be afraid to go see a counselor if its going to prevent bigger issues down the road. Getting counseling early in the process can prevent a divorce in the future.

Because todays couples are more apt to try new things, counseling is a viable option. Older couples were less likely to allow a strange 3rd party into the personal information concerning their marriage. As a result, they had marital problems that went unaddressed and unsettled. Now we see people who have been married for 30 or 40 years getting divorces. This possibly could have been avoided with relationship counseling.

If you think you need relationship counseling, ask your partner, in a non-judgmental way, to go with you. You dont want your partner thinking that youre accusing them of being the problem or are in need of the counseling. This will most likely lead to great resistance and most likely theyll say no to the question of going. Make it clear to your partner that you want the counseling for yourself and youd like for them to accompany you.

Asking your partner to go to counseling with you because you have a particular issue should cause them to view the idea in a favorable manner. You can tell them that you want the counseling to help you in being a better person and partner. Even if you believe your partner needs counseling, too, dont say that. Once youre going to counseling, theyll get the tips and strategies for a better relationship along with you.

Its never too early or too late to suggest relationship counseling. If your relationship is fairly new and youd for it to be a long term commitment, you want to do all you can to work all of the kinks out as quickly as possible. If youve been with your partner for a much longer period, say 10+ years, you can still address some small problems before they fester and become much larger ones. Suggesting that you go to counseling is not admitting that your relationship is in trouble. What youre doing is facing small challenges before they become deal-breakers. Dealing with these things now will only strengthen your relationship even more.

Your partner may believe that your suggestion of relationship counseling means that your relationship is doomed or is in trouble. Inform them, calmly that this is not true. But admitting that everything is not perfect shows your willingness to change whatever is necessary to keep them and yourself happy.

Your partner may still refuse to go. If so, go on your own. The counseling would definitely work best if you both go, but youve got to do whats best for you. If your true objective is to improve yourself, this should be accomplished with the aid of a counselor. Perhaps your partner will see you attending counseling and see some differences in you and decide to give it a try. Preserving your relationship and making it the best it can be is a good thing to do. Relationship Counseling is one way to ensure that youre doing things right. There are also little things you can do to show your mate that theyre special to you. Go to the Relationship Recovery Site and get these little nuggets.


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