Thursday, October 10, 2013

Love Handle Exercise - Vacuum Pose

Here's the best love handle exercise you can do for eliminating inches from all around your waistline. Do this for 5 minutes a day and you're almost guaranteed to lose 2 inches from your belly area in a month or less.

This exercise doesn't directly target your love handles AND it doesn't even burn any calories. So how does it make your love handles shrink and disappear?

It does that by way of isometric tension.

Most ab exercises focus either on cardio fat burning or direct concentric contractions (sit-ups and crunches). Cardio does help to eliminate belly and love handle fat, but there is nothing as good as using isometric tension within your abs to lose inches fast.

You should be kinda familiar with this exercise, just not it's name. You suck in your stomach. We've all done that before. But you never made it part of an exercise program.

I have hundreds of clients regularly lose 2 inches doing this exercise... and they only do it for 5 minutes a day.

Now, here's the correct way to do this...

1. Inhale and take a deep breath from your belly (not chest)

2. While doing that, suck in your lower belly (belly button)... not the upper stomach area

3. Next, hold the pose and it's isometric tension for at least 15 seconds each time

4. Keep repeating for a total of 5 minutes (doesn't have to be done 5 minutes in a row)

Inches from all over your waist and love handles area will start to shrink down in days. Definitely measure yourself before you start doing these so you can prove to yourself that this exercise works.

This is without a doubt, the best love handle exercise you can possibly do.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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