Sunday, October 20, 2013

Exercises For Obliques And Love Handles –Secrets To A Rock Solid Midsection

A steel-like midsection is within your reach. Your midsection has to be strong from the core. The appearance of great-looking abs is not enough. You need strength from the core. These exercises for obliques and love handles will help you achieve that.

Strong oblique muscles will improve your balance. However, these are small muscles buried deep below your fat and are not easily visible. However, with exercises like oblique crunches, you can strengthen your oblique muscles. However, to lose the ugly love handles, you need to melt away as much fat as possible. While the variations of crunches and planks will strengthen your abs and obliques, they can't remove the fat. You have to better manage your eating habits and perform fat-burning exercises like swimming, dancing, and other cardio programs. When the fat goes, you will start seeing beautiful abs and obliques.

Now learn how to do oblique crunches. This is a variation of basic crunch. You lie down on your back, with feet on the ground and knees bent upwards. Now cross your left foot over your right knee. Lift your shoulder from the floor. Turn your right shoulder towards left knee in a smooth curling motion. Slowly move back to original position. Repeat it six times and switch sides. This exercise works up your upper abs and obliques.

Keep in mind, the exercise doesn't automatically burn fat from your body. To see the obliques or abs, you need to perform cardio and/or resistance training. Another important aspect is your diet that helps reduce fat, promote metabolism, and builds muscles. Brisk walking, running, swimming, etc will promote metabolism. Do those exercises for a minimum of 20-30 minutes. Your body will start using fat from your body only after 20 minutes of intense activity. Thus, these exercises are essential for burning fat. Fat burning will make it easier for your muscles to express.

Make sure you have realistic goals while taking up exercises for obliques and love handles. You want to see the obliques to show and the love handles to disappear. It is easier for women to lose those love handle than it is for men. For women, the last few pounds of fat are seen at around buttocks/hips/thighs. For men, it is love handles. Follow a diverse exercise program for several months to see the full physical benefits. You can see remarkable increase in energy levels within a week or two of starting your physical activity. However, to lose those love handles, it may take up to a year. Don't despair, that is normal.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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