Friday, May 31, 2013

Cheating Spouse - 6 Indicators Of A Cheating Wife

A marriage has both downturns and upturns and perhaps the worst thing that could cause the marriage to fail is when you find out your wife is cheating on you. Knowing that your wife is being unfaithful can be very painful but you have the right to know the truth. Explained below are signs of a cheating wife:

1. An alteration of your wife's appearance

One of the most obvious sign of a cheating wife is a change of her physical appearance. If your marriage is not on the rocks, then your wife's improved appearance shouldn't be taken negatively. But, if it is, then there's certainly a reason to be worried.

2. An alteration of your wife's attitude

The alteration of your wife's attitude is one indication you should watch out. This is in the sense that the change of your wife's attitude could mean that she is losing interest on you and your marriage.
3. An alteration of your wife's mindset

Women by nature are naggers although it is wrong to do. Yet we all know that women are the kind of people on earth who would say and talk about anything that catches her interest. If you happen to have a wife with this kind of attitude and then suddenly she just would appear not to care anymore then there must be something wrong going on.

4. An alteration of her interests

Women are expected to be homemakers and mothers, that is exactly why she will always find time to fix breakfast or be home before dinner. However, if your wife suddenly shows no interest to perform her functions anymore then it must be an indication of infidelity.

5. An alteration of her habits

Your wife is certainly hiding something from you if she suddenly manifests changes with her habits. Your wife sneaking out of the bedroom at night to answer a phone call as well as an increase of her interest on the In ternet can be an indication.

6. An alteration of the behavior of the kids

A change of the behaviour of the kids is probably the best indicator that your wife is cheating. The kids may know or not know something, but when it comes to their parents, children develop a good instinct when things go wrong.

If you observe these things in your wife then she could be cheating on you.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to Catch a Cheating Wife - Signs She's Having an Affair

Many married men want to know how to catch a cheating wife. Typically we hear so much about men cheating on their wives, but the fact of the matter is that many women are also unfaithful to their husbands. If you are a man who suspects that your spouse is committing adultery, there are some signs in her behaviour that are clear indications that she is having an affair.

If you want to know how to catch a cheating wife don't overlook something as simple as her schedule. Typically when a person is having an affair they need to come up with an excuse for the time they are spending with their lover. The easiest way for an adulterer to cover up their time is to say they are working late. If your wife suddenly says she needs to put in more hours at the office, yet her pay isn't reflective of that, you need to be concerned. On a related note, if a woman all of a sudden needs to go out of town for a job that always required her to be in town , that's a red flag. She may be jetting off to meet her lover.

Another of the signs she's having an affair can be found in her car. There can be very subtle signs found in her car, but they are important and can't be ignored. A good example is the mileage she is putting on her vehicle each week. Jot down the current mileage and a week later, check it again. If she's driving her car to meet her lover it's going to show on the mileage. Also, take note of how far back the passenger seat in her car is placed. Most men need more legroom and will move the seat back without a second thought. This is something you can certainly ask her about and gauge how much she squirms trying to come up with a solid reason.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How To Catch My Cheating Wife With A Gps Location

Are you wondering if your wife is cheating on you? The best answer to your problem is the use of GPS tracking. If to catch my cheating wife with a GPS location is your aspiration, then you are on the right track by reading this article.

GPS will allow you to find proof whether your wife is cheating on you or not. Some people think that GPS tracking is only limited to vehicles. Fact is, the technology has been further developed to be utilized in mobile phones and other electronic gadgets. This means you can easily track your wife's location because you can now put a GPS tracking device in any of the small things that she is always carrying with her.

How to catch my cheating wife with a GPS location? The answer depends on the tracking device that you will purchase. GPS tracking devices can be as small as a coin. It can even appear as a harmless button that you can put on your wif4e's clothing. You can install the device yourself while your wife is sle eping, taking a bath or busy doing something in another room. Some husbands choose to buy a vehicle GPS tracking device. This can also be very useful.

Catch my cheating wife with a GPS location. If this is something that you want to happen, then it can be easily done through modern technology. Use the power of a GPS tracker to know the truth and finally have some peace of mind.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Science of Mother Love

A growing body of scientific evidence shows that the way babies are cared for by their mothers will determine not only their emotional development, but the biological development of the child's brain and central nervous system as well. The nature of love, and how the capacity to love develops, has become the subject of scientific study over the last decade. New data is emerging from a multitude of disciplines including neurology, psychology, biology, ethology, anthropology and neurocardiology. Something scientific disciplines find in common when putting love under the microscope is that in addition to shaping the brains of infants, mother's love acts as a template for love itself and has far reaching effects on her child's ability to love throughout life.

To mothers holding their newborn babies it will come as little surprise that the 'decade of the brain' has lead science to the wisdom of the mother's heart.

According to Alan Schore, assistant clinical professor in the department of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at UCLA School of Medicine, a major conclusion of the last decade of developmental neuroscience research is that the infant brain is designed to be molded by the environment it encounters.1 In other words, babies are born with a certain set of genetics, but they must be activated by early experience and interaction. Schore believes the most crucial component of these earliest interactions is the primary caregiver - the mother. "The child's first relationship, the one with the mother, acts as a template, as it permanently molds the individual's capacities to enter into all later emotional relationships." Others agree. The first months of an infant's life constitute what is known as a critical period - a time when events are imprinted in the nervous system.

"Hugs and kisses during these critical periods make those neurons grow and connect properly with other neurons." Says Dr. Arthur Janov, in his book Biology of Love. "You can kiss that brain into maturity."

Hormones, The Language of Love

In his beautiful book, The Scientification of Love, French obstetrician Michel Odent explains how Oxytocin, a hormone released by the pituitary gland stimulates the release of chemical messengers in the heart. Oxytocin, which is essential during birth, stimulating contractions, and during lactation, stimulating the 'milk ejection reflex', is also involved in other 'loving behaviors'. "It is noticeable that whatever the facet of love we consider, oxytocin is involved.' Says Odent. "During intercourse both partners - female and male - release oxytocin." One study even shows that the simple act of sharing a meal with other people increases our levels of this 'love hormone'.2

The altruistic oxytocin is part of a complex hormonal balance. A sudden release of Oxytocin creates an urge toward loving which can be directed in different ways depending on the presence of other hormones, which is why there are different types of love. For example, with a high level of prolactin, a well-known mothering hormone, the urge to love is directed toward babies.

While Oxytocin is an altruistic hormone and prolactin a mothering hormone, endorphins represent our 'reward system'. "Each time we mammals do something that benefits the survival of the species, we are rewarded by the secretion of these morphine-like substances." Says Odent.

During birth there is also an increase in the level of endorphins in the fetus so that in the moments following birth both mother and baby are under the effects of opiates. The role of these hormones is to encourage dependency, which ensures a strong attachment between mother and infant. In situations of failed affectional bonding between mother and baby there will be a deficiency of the appropriate hormones, which could leave a child susceptible to substance abuse in later life as the system continually attempts to right itself.3 You can say no to drugs, but not to neurobiology. Human brains have evolved from earlier mammals. The first portion of our brain that evolved on top of its reptilian heritage is the limbic system, the seat of emotion. It is this portion of the brain that permits mothers and their babies to bond. Mothers and babies are hardwired for the experience of togetherness. The habits of breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and babywearing practiced by the majority of! mothers in non-industrialized cultures, and more and more in our own, facilitate two of the main components needed for optimal mother/child bonding: proximity and touch.

PROXIMITY, Between Mammals, the Nature of Love is Heart to Heart

In many ways it's obvious why a helpless newborn would require continuous close proximity to a caregiver; they're helpless and unable to provide for themselves. But science is unveiling other less obvious benefits of holding baby close. Mother/child bonding isn't just for brains, but is also an affair of the heart. In his 1992 work, Evolution's End, Joseph Chilton Pearce describes the dual role of the heart cell, saying that it not only contracts and expands rhythmically to pump blood, it communicates with its fellow cells. "If you isolate a cell from the heart, keep it alive and examine it through a microscope, you will see it lose it's synchronous rhythm and begin to fibrillate until it dies. If you put another isolated heart cell on that microscopic slide it will also fibrillate . If you move the two cells within a certain proximity, however , they synchronize and beat in unison." Perhaps this is why most mothers instinctively place their babies to their left breast, k eep! ing those hearts in proximity. The heart produces the hormone, ANF that dramatically affects every major system of the body. "All evidence indicates that the mother's developed heart stimulates the newborn heart, thereby activating a dialogue between the infant's brain-mind and heart." says Pearce who believes this heart to heart communication activates intelligences in the mother also. "On holding her infant in the left-breast position with its corresponding heart contact, a major block of dormant intelligences is activated in the mother, causing precise shifts of brain function and permanent behavior changes." In this beautiful dynamic the infant's system is activated by being held closely; and this proximity also stimulates a new intelligence in the mother, which helps her to respond to and nurture her infant. Pretty nifty plan - and another good reason to aim for a natural birth. If nature is handing out intelligence to help us in our role as mothers we want to be a wake ! and alert!


"The easiest and quickest way to induce depression and alienation in an infant or child is not to touch it, hold it, or carry it on your body." - James W. Prescott, PhD

Research in neuroscience has shown that touch is necessary for human development and that a lack of touch damages not only individuals, but our whole society. Human touch and love is essential to health. A lack of stimulus and touch very early on causes the stress hormone, cortisol to be released which creates a toxic brain environment and can damage certain brain structures. According to James W. Prescott, PhD, of the Institute of Humanistic Science, and former research scientist at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, sensory deprivation results in behavioral abnormalities such as depression, impulse dyscontrol, violence, substance abuse, and in impaired immunological functioning in mother deprived infants.4 For over a million years babies have enjoyed almost constant in-arms contact with their mothers or other caregivers, usually members of an extended family, receiving constant touch for the first year or so of life. "In nature's nativity scen e, ! mother's arms have always been baby's bed, breakfast, transportation, even entertainment, and, for most of the world's babies, they still are." says developmental psychologist, Sharon Heller in, The Vital Touch: How Intimate Contact With Your Baby Leads to Happier, Healthier Development.5

To babies,touch = love and fully loved babies develop healthy brains. During the critical period of development following birth the infant brain is undergoing a massive growth of neural connections. Synaptic connections in the cortex continue to proliferate for about two years, when they peak. During this period one of the most crucial things to survival and healthy development is touch. All mammal mothers seem to know this instinctively, and, if allowed to bond successfully with their babies they will provide continuous loving touch.

Touch deprivation in infant monkeys is so traumatic their whole system goes haywire, with an increase of stress hormones, increased heart rate, compromised immune system and sleep disturbances.6

With only 25% of our adult brain size, we are the least mature at birth of any mammal. Anthropologist, Ashley Montagu concluded that given our upright position and large brains, human infants are born prematurely while our heads can still fit through the birth canal, and that brain development must therefore extend into postnatal life. He believed the human gestation period to actually be eighteen months long - nine in the womb and another nine outside it, and that touch is absolutely vital to this time of "exterogestation."7

Newborns are born expecting to be held, handled, cuddled, rubbed, kissed, and maybe even licked! All mammals lick their newborns vigorously, off and on, during the first hours and days after birth in order to activate their sensory nerve endings, which are involved in motor movements, spatial, and visual orientation. These nerve endings cannot be activated until after birth due to the insulation of the watery womb environment and the coating of vernix casseus on the baby's skin.

Recall Dr. Janov's claim that you can kiss a brain into maturity. Janov believes that very early touch is central to developing a healthy brain. "Irrespective of the neurojuices involved, it is clear that lack of love changes the chemicals in the brain and can eventually change the structure of that brain."


Breastfeeding neatly brings together nourishment for baby with the need for closeness shared by mother and child; and is another crucial way that mother's love helps shape baby's brain. Research shows that breastmilk is the perfect "brain food", essential for normal brain development, particularly, those brain processes associated with depression, violence, and social and sexual behaviors.8

Mother's milk, a living liquid, contains just the right amount of fatty acids, lactose, water, and amino acids for human digestion, brain development, and growth. It also contains many immunities a baby needs in early life while her own immune system is maturing. One more instance of mother extending her own power, (love) to her developing child.


Another key to understanding how a mother's love shapes the emerging capacities of her infant is what doctors Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon , authors of A General Theory of Love, call limbic regulation; a mutually synchronizing hormonal exchange between mother and child which serves to regulate vital rhythms.

Human physiology, they say, does not direct all of its own functions; it is interdependent. It must be steadied by the physical presence of another to maintain both physical and emotional health. "Limbic regulation mandates interdependence for social mammals of all ages." says Lewis, "But young mammals are in special need of it's guidance: their neural systems are not only immature but also growing and changing. One of the physiologic processes that limbic regulation directs, in other words, is the development of the brain itself - and that means attachment determines the ultimate nature of a child's mind." A baby's physiology is maximally open-loop: without limbic regulation, vital rhythms collapse posing great danger, even death.

The regulatory information required by infants can alter hormone levels, cardiovascular function, sleep rhythms, immune function, and more. Lewis, et al contend that , the steady piston of mother's heart along with the regularity of her breathing coordinate the ebb and flow of an infant's young internal rhythms. They believe sleep to be an intricate brain rhythm which the neurally immature infant must first borrow from parents. "Although it sounds outlandish to some American ears, exposure to parents can keep a sleeping baby alive."

The Myth of Independence

This interdependence mandated by limbic regulation is vital during infancy, but it's also something we need throughout the rest of childhood and on into adulthood. In many ways, humans cannot be stable on their own-we require others to survive. Recall that our nervous systems are not self-contained; they link with those of the people close to us in a silent rhythm that helps regulate our physiology. This is not a popular notion in a culture that values independence over interdependence. However, as a society that cherishes individual freedoms more than any other, we must respect the process whereby autonomy develops.

Children require ongoing neural synchrony from parents in order for their natural capacity for self-directedness to emerge. A mother's love is a continuous shaping force throughout childhood and requires an adequate stage of dependency. The work of Mary Ainsworth has shown that maternal responsiveness and close bodily contact lead to the unfolding of self-reliance and self confidence.9 Because our culture does not sufficiently value interpersonal relationships, the mother/child bond is not recognized and supported as it could be.

The ability of a mother to read the emotional state of her child is older than our own species, and is essential to our survival, health and happiness. We are reminded of this each time a hurt child changes from sad/scared/angry to peaceful in our loving embrace. Warm human contact generates the internal release of opiates, making mother's love a powerful anodyne. Even teenagers who sometimes behave as if they are 'so over' the need for a mother's affection must be kept in the limbic loop. Children at this age might be at special risk for falling through the emotional cracks. If they don't get the emotional regulation that family relationships are designed to provide, their hungry brains may seek ineffectual substitutes like drugs and alcohol.

Children left too long under the electronic stewardship of television, video games, etc., are not receiving the steady limbic connection with a resonant parent. Without this a child cannot internalize emotional balance properly.

Our hearts and brains are hardwired for love, and from infancy to old age our health and happiness depend on receiving it.

As the research keeps coming in and we gain a gradually expanding vision of how mother love shapes our species, we see an obvious need to take steps to protect and provide for the mother/child bond. We can take heart knowing that all the while we carry in our genes over a million years of evolutionary refinements equipping us for our role as mothers. The answers sought by science beat steadily within our own hearts.

Notes 1. Schore, Alan, Effects of a Secure Attachment Relationship on Right Brain Development, Affect Regulation, and Infant Mental Health, 2001 2.Verbalis, J.G., McCann, McHale and Stricker, 'Oxytocin secretion in response to cholecystoknin and food: differentiation of nausea from satiety.' Science 1986, 232: 1417-19 3. Prescott, James W., PhD, Breastfeeding: Brain Nutrients in Brain Development For Human Love and Peace, From Touch The Future Newsletter, Spring 1997 /prescott/ttf/article.html 4. Prescott, James W., PhD, The Origins of Human Love and Violence, From Pre and Perinatal Psychology Journal, Volume 10, #3: Spring 1996 5. Henry Holt, 1997 6. Prescott, James W. , Ph.D , Rock A Bye Baby, Time Life Documentary, 1970, Executive Producer: Lothar Wolff, Scientific Consultant. (last modified 2001/04/16). 7. Montagu, Ashley Touching : The Human Significance of the Skin, Harper, 1986 8. Prescott, James W., PhD, Breastfeeding: Brain Nutrients in Brain Development For Huma n Love and Peace, From Touch The Future Newsletter, Spring 1997 /prescott/ttf/article.html 9. Ainsworth, M.D.S., "Attachments Across the Life Span." Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 61, 1985


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Monday, May 27, 2013

Marriage After Infidelity - Trusting Him After He Lied

Once you have caught your husband cheating, it feels as though it will be impossible to ever trust him again. In the initial days or weeks after the discovery, betrayal, devastation and an enormous sense of loss are all too real. But with time, the anger and other feelings do subside. You can then start to reflect on the past and your relationship, and consider the options of how to save your marriage after infidelity.

There are many reasons why you might choose to stay in your marriage even after you discover that your husband has cheated. One of the strongest motivations for doing so is because you still love him. Keep in mind, if there was no love within the marriage, the infidelity wouldn't bother you. The degree of your anger and upset is often an indication of how deeply you care. Even in this situation, trusting your husband again may be the biggest hurdle that you need to overcome.

Resolve underlying issues

Try to understand why your husband felt the need to have an affair. Unless these issues come out in the open and are resolved, the problem is likely to persist. Many couples prefer to ignore these issues and try to move on in the relationship thinking that everything will automatically become normal. They do not realize that talking about the affair may prove to be a healing process for both partners and essential if they want to save their marriage after infidelity.

Increase communication skills

If your husband is still hiding the details of the affair with you then it is difficult to start the process of rebuilding the trust again. Good communication skills build a strong foundation and are an essential ingredient of a trusting relationship. You have to let your husband know about your need to settle these issues before you can move on in your marriage after infidelity.

Let go of doubt

If you have any doubts you need to discuss it with your husband. At this juncture the worst thing you can do is to keep harboring thoughts and images about the affair and mistrusting your husband at every step. If you have made the decision to make your marriage work then you need to give it your best and keep a positive attitude.

Make a renewed effort in the relationship

Many husbands are so remorseful after their affair that they put in an extra effort to make it right afterwards. If this is the case with you, then try to be receptive to his efforts and also reciprocate his feelings in rebuilding the relationship.

It will take a while to restore your marriage after infidelity. You have to accept this and give yourself some time to start trusting him again. Many couples have walked this path and if you're finding it a difficult journey, know there are plenty of online resources, support groups and marriage counsellors which can help clarify the steps needed to rebuild a happy strong marriage.

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

7 Self Improvement Quotes - Self Improvement Tips

Copyright (c) 2010 Steve M Nash

Imagine a life where you managed your anger, behaved assertively with others, communicated clearly and effectively, appreciated your life and was grateful for those people you shared it with; a life where you understood the power of positive thinking, loved yourself more than anybody in the whole wide world, and never let fear become your master...

Are you imagining, yet, how great your life would be?

Well I'm a big believer in the power of inspirational quotations to get the message across as quickly and directly as possible. And that's why I've decided to list seven self improvement quotes that cover these key self-help areas of life. And I discuss how you can embrace these inspirational quotes - these self improvement ideas - so that you can make a difference in your life today.

Let's begin.

==> Self-Improvement Quote #1: Anger

"How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it." -- Marcus Aurelius.

What this quotations means, I think, is that there is nothing wrong with getting angry - things are always going to happen that take us unawares, and make us cross. The important issue is HOW we express that anger.

So make sure, starting today, that you take a look at what's still making you angry years after the event. And let go of this anger, if you can, as this anger is hurting you much more than it's hurting anyone else.

And try and deal with new angry situations in a way where you express yourself clearly and assertively. Express it and forget it.

==> Self-Improvement Quote #2: Assertiveness

"Assertiveness is not what you do, it's who you are!" -- Shakti Gawain

When you express yourself clearly, and use words like "I" (rather than "you") then you are giving life to your true self - whether the other person agrees with you or not.

How much better is it to do this than to squash your thoughts and feeli ngs so as not to 'cause a problem' to somebody else.

No problem is caused when you are being your true self.

==> Self-Improvement Quote #3: Communication Skills

"When I am at Milan, I do as they do at Milan; but when I go to Rome, I do as Rome does" -- St. Augustine

Of course, 'tailoring your message to the audience' will always be of assistance in assertive communication. It will always help the other person understand what you are saying and why you are saying it.

This level of insight into each other's position will always be of benefit to both parties, no matter whether you agree or disagree. The reason? At least you will both know you have been truly heard.

==> Self-Improvement Quote #4: Gratitude

"Remember that not to be happy is not to be grateful." -- Elizabeth Carter

This quote is another way of saying that having gratitude for what's going on in your life is a sure way of finding happiness. Even if you're disagreeing with people, or you don't like the way people do th ings, it should still be possible to be grateful for that person in your life, for the differences that they reveal.

After all, imagine how dull it would be to take a walk in the woods only to find all of the trees the same, and all of the flowers the same, and all of the bird song to be the same.

Gratitude is simply finding a good reason to appreciate, rather than a good reason to criticise.

==> Self-Improvement Quote #5: Positive Attitude

"Positive thinking won't let you do anything but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will." -- Zig Ziglar

If ever there was an inspirational quote that explained the power of positive thinking in anybody's life it is this one. Why would anybody want to do something badly when they can do it well instead, simply via adopting a positive thinking attitude.

I know that it's not always possible to feel good about things, and to not allow ourselves to wallow in our (apparent) repeat ed short-comings. This is understood. The idea, though, is to remind ourselves of how much more we can do in life by not allowing ourselves to wallow, but by getting back in the game and having another "I can" go...

==> Self-Improvement Quote #6: Self Love

"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance." --Oscar Wilde

As ever ol' Oscar Wilde takes a short sentence to sum up a lifelong strategy for a successful, happy and fulfilled life. Self-love is absolutely vital to embrace, if we are to enjoy ourselves and our relationships. And everyone benefits when we do so.

What a fantastic self-improvement idea - to love ourselves more!

==> Self-Improvement Quote #7: Fear

"How very little can be done under the spirit of fear." -- Florence Nightingale

And when we love ourselves more, guess what we automatically do less of? We fear less. And when we fear less, we do more. And when we do more, we live more? And when live more, w e are more.

Understanding how fear has a grip on our lives, and how it's possible for us to look at this fear and to make it 'disappear' is almost as important a self improvement idea as loving ourselves more.

That's what I say, anyway.


Okay, there we have it. There you have some self improvement tips and ideas by way of 7 self improvement quotes. The quotes covered anger, assertiveness, fear, communication, appreciation, positive thinking and self-love. And they clearly show you what to start doing to achieve greatness in your life.

This is especially true when you remember what a great life is all about... "There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self." -- Hindu Proverb

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Arab and Muslim women Issues! Part Two

Arab and Muslim women Issues! Part Two

Hasan A. Yahya, Professor of Sociology

There are certain points related to Arab and Muslim women. We covered three of these points in previous article, here are the rest examples:

4. Parenting In the Arab and Muslim world: In the Parenting an Arab and Muslim girl, parents give girls everything they wanted. They treat them sincerely and kindly. And when they were at the right age, the family chose a good husband for her, in what called in sociology, arranged marriages which is popular in the Arab and Muslim world. a good man, the family knows. But some young ladies had ideas of their own. Therefore, they rebelled. They have choices: one is to refuse the proposed person. And deny fulfilling the marriage contract. Or for other reason such as going to complete their education at the university, in local or far communities. May be other countries differ from the place of origin. If they are married, they usually did not love the selected husband who was forced on her at the beginning. In Saudi Arabia, and many other Muslim and Arab countries, woman still should not be allowed to raise her voice. They call it "Awrah", a "shameful act" by women to raise their voice when men are present. A woman is considered of a "lower, inferior sex" by choice, some say, because the Islamic culture promotes certain ethics in terms of women behavior. That she should not act like a man. The man is the master, or the over hand in marriage or in the family, a young brother can control his elder sister, this is common in Arab and Muslim countries. As she's the wife, not the slave as some people like to say. Soon after a woman marriage she usually live in the extended family, but these days the newly married couple have their own house. They may leave to other community as we said, and fell in love in that different environment. No girl or boy may fall in love " deliberately." Even a veiled woman, but women usually conceal their love from family. It is sometimes told to close female friends. Lover in Arab and Muslim world become in danger position, some people consider love as illegal and forbidden. But lovers may die for their love. They may sacrifice themselves for the lover safety.

5. Islam, Divorce, and Human Rights: Does Islam allow divorce, equal rights for the women and men? For any reason at all!! Well, the habits vary from one place to another. That's why adultery for married or spouse is punishable by death. But under certain circumstances, for example, if she or he confessed or 4 male witnesses witnessing penetration (actual sexual act-as explained in the text). Still in some close societies cultures press the fact of protecting honor of the girl. In some cases, in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Kuwait, and many other communities the father or elder brother takes charge to kill the girl. The culture usually sympathizes with honor offenders, and sometimes the court itself, give less penalty in these cases. Many women feel that this is absurd ruling, and should not be practiced. And human rights have to be preserved for both men and women.

6. Arranged marriages for some critics are absolutely silly to hear a bout , the argument that a woman committed adultery, because she was not asked who she wanted as a husband In Islamic lands where the woman cannot even decide that, and consider that act as ridiculous to even mention it. They think of that as an Islamic Virus to be fought. But to eradicate such practice and to give valid assumptions, women today, in the crowded and high density cities, women do not marry by traditional arrangement. This habit is decreasing rapidly. The opposite of this image, is far from true.

7. Stories of horror: It is all over in the news, until very recently we have no law that would protect a husband who murdered his wife and her lover when he found them in flagrant delicate situation. There is not so terribly much difference between Western and Middle Eastern cultures on this point, really. I feel sorry when I hear such stories against young couple, but they, just like us, live in a society of laws and knew what the laws were to be followed and obeyed. Penalties for crimes is simply understood, but sacrificed sometimes by emotional mis-control.

8. Religious or Cultural Practices: No government or official law on human rights are respected or secured in love cases leads to adultery in the Arab and Muslim world. So it might be excusable for ancient people to act like as they did. Love is blind as they say, but temptations to commit adultery is punishable. Old storis of Romeo and Juliet, Antar and Abla, Qays and Laila, many centuries old stories of history these days. In the modern world with a high tech civilization, and interaction through media and education and cultural diffusion, it is not excusable to do it according to Arabic and Islamic ethics. A Saudi man do not allow women to have a freedom, negates cultural norms. Some women's activists call for women in Saudi Arabia the right to drive their cars alone. What do you expect from a culture respects honor and perceive wo men as weak persons, need always men or familial protection? In Saudi Arabia, if a woman is not allowed to drive, or to vote, or to go outside alone, or to talk with unrelated men and etc, it does not mean that they prohibit them from loving each other, no one can stand in the face of love, because love is incited by God, and God makes people love each other, but when love became illegal love, negate cultural norms, then killing people who love each other and committed adultery is suitable punishment, culturally. There is no dating as Americans way of life. These adultery activities are prohibited in both Arab and Islamic countries. Saudi like to watch the execution of such penalties, they often come from far away just for seeing these acts. In these days, westerners do not admit such acts and describe them as just uneducated savages actions against human rights, but not modern people who call themselves Muslims their families appreciate such acts. (1084 words)

Dr. Ha san Yahya is a professor of Sociology, and columnist at Malaysia and TINA International News Agency, Chicago, USA.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Friday, May 24, 2013

Why Do Men Cheat on Their Wives

Have you often wonder why do men cheat on their wives? I believed this has been the question ran through the thoughts of many wives. There are many answers to this question. Some would say that it was because of sex, boredom, love or many other reasons. However, I personally think that this is an integrity problem. Whatever excuses that it will be, the only way to prevent men to cheat is to keep your marriage healthy and happy. Why still give men an excuse to cheat on you? No matter how long you have been married, you still need to keep your marriage lively.

What would you do when you are bored? Would you find something interesting to keep yourself occupied? The same theory goes to your marriage. When your marriage became plain and dull, men may just cheat on their wives because they just want to enjoy the feeling of being in love again. They try to seek thrills by having this underground relationship.

Nagging can be a killer in a marriage. It can make your men turn to other women. Many men want to enjoy peace and rest when they are at home, especially after a day of work outside. They got frustrated when you start to nag about them. Although you meant well for them but it does require some tactics to nag. End of the day, you do not wish your husband complaining about being nagged to death.

Did you fail to appreciate what your husband is doing for you and the home? This is often the case when your husband start to feel insecure and unconfident. They may try to seek another partner who can make them feel like a man again.

Many women failed to keep themselves gorgeous and pretty after they got married. Although appearance and sex may not be the reason to cheat, but I think all women should learn to pamper and keep themselves fit. No matter what age you are, a married woman can still look pretty even if you are in your 50s or 60s.

Ther e are many ways to prevent or stop men from cheating wives. Click Here to learn the ways to Make Your Husband Love You Again. Spice up your marriage by filling up with your love and happiness.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Thursday, May 23, 2013

10 Reasons Why Women Get Hurt In Relationships

Happy New Year! I hope many of you had a very good New year and are excited about the prospects of 2009 as I am. The New Year is a great time to reflect on your life and to attempt to put things into perspective. The holiday season is a horrible time to find out that your significant other is a complete ass or worse yet unfaithful. Unfortunately it happens all to often and it will continue to happen until either men grow up or women become more selective in whom they chose to get involved with.

Since neither of these things are going to happen in the near future I figured for your New years gift I would give you "Ten reasons women get hurt in relationships." It may not be much but hopefully this time next year at least one of you may be able to say that because you knew these things you avoided getting your heart broken.

1) Listening to their heart and ignoring their brain:

Women have a very bad habit of doing this. They see all the si gns that he is full of shit but they "Love" him so they overlook the obvious. Friends tell you to move on, family tell you the same and you just cannot see it because your heart is in the way. The crazy thing about this is that as humans we do the following: when things are going bad we confide in our best friends. We tell our friends what we really think about our significant others, especially when we are frustrated. During this time our real feelings come out and the friend hears it all. Later, when things get really bad the friend regurgitates everything you said about him and you don't hear them. You pass it off and say, "You don't really know him." Well guess what? All she did was tell you exactly what you said about him in one of your moments of clarity, a moment when your heart wasn't in the way and although it came from her mouth this time it's actually you, telling yourself that he's no good. So the next time this happens, please listen to yourself and save your he art from the break it's sure to suffer unless you getit outout of the way and let your brain take over.

2)Failing to make sure his actions match his words:

Women overlook the obvious and many times you only hear what you want to hear. He tells you he loves you, but you really need to know is he really in love with you. There is a very big difference in the two. He may love his dog, hisbrand new car or the upscale apartment he just leased. However, he's sleeping with none of these things and if he's showing them more attention than he is you his "I love you" is just that. The problem is he really isn't "in Love with you" which is what is really needed to make a serious relationship last.

Lets look at it this way, if he tells you he loves you but rarely makes time for you opting rather to spend times with his friends then his I love you statement should have been "I like you" because that's pretty much what it means.

If he doesn't o pen doors for you, carry things for you, fix things for you, consistently make sure you're satisfied both in and out of bed, chances are he's really not in love with you even though he says that he loves you. If you are not his first priority then he is not in love with you. However that doesn't mean you cannot get there, it just means that there is a chance that when he does reach this point, you may no longer be in love with him. Life is funny this way, we generally discover we are in love with someone when it's too late. Love is consistency, it's not whenever we choose, it always or not at all.

3) Dating men that they think they can change:

You know that guy that you are attracted to, the one who has no job, lives with his parents and been to jail several times? Yeah him! Or the other one who has kids by a couple of women but claims none of them and makes a part time living by being a street pharmacist (drug dealer), him too. Also, the guy w ho has been known for slapping his former girlfriends around to keep them in line from time to time. This guy too. Lastly the dreamy guy who you and your girfriends think has the cute ass and you all know he has countless girlfriends in the city.

These are just a few of the men that you cannot change! Let me say that again in case you missed it or only heard what you wanted to read in that sentence. You cannot change these guys! So to save yourself a heartbreak, do not waste your time or you will probably end up like the women they dated before you frustrated, angry, hurt and miserable.

When these men chose to change on their own then you could end up with a nice man. However, it's really up to them, there is nothing you personally can do to repair their flaws. Your beauty, sexuality, intelligence and kindness mean nothing to them because generally at this point in their lives they consume everything in their path (and this includes you if you allow it) until t he day they wake up and looking back at the wake they left behind seek to change on their own.

If you attempt such a mission to change such a person, I hope you remember this: Many women before you have attempted this such task and in the end they've been left as single mothers, financial and emotional bankruptcy, and some even have been given prison sentences. Not to mention the ones whom have been physically and mentally damaged all for the sake of trying to change a man whom did not want to change.

Find a man who has his own self together, a man who respects himself will find it much easier to respect someone as loving as you.

4) Unable to recognize the differences between sex and love:

Women have the same needs, wants and desires as men. Unfortunately men are able to separate sex and love in their minds. For men sex at times is simply a release an enjoyable one at that and to be honest at times it doesn't matter if it's you or your girlfriend that assists in him obtaining that release.

A man going into the situation has already calculated out that approximately 45 seconds after ejaculation he will either regret his decision or embrace it. To determine if you are a decision he regretted you will know if he cuddles with you after the act. If he gets up, cleans or doesn't clean himself as he makes his way toward the door then it was simply a release and you got an assist for the night. Hopefully you received an orgasm too for your troubles.

Having sex with a man will not make him love you, and women have been falling for this trick for centuries. He loves with his head first (the one on his shoulders) and his heart second. If he see an opportunity to have sex with you because you have made it known that you really like him, he may take the opportunity to achieve a release but in the end that's all it is. What most women fail to understand is that when you make yourself readily availabl e to the whims of a man you fancy he cannot respect you because his real fear is that he is not the first or the last that you've slept with simply because you thought you liked the way he looked or carried himself.

To end this let me say this, men look upon women who use sex to achieve love as nothing more than another pretty face on a piece of p---y! Sorry for that vivid description, but men talk in case you didn't know.

So whatever you do, always remember sex and love are totally separate emotions. Just because you allowed him the opportunity to take a roll in the hay, does not constitute that he's going to fall in love with you. It's simply a chance you took and one that more than likely you'll lose.

5) Refusal to change your selection process:

I was once told that the definition of insanity is when you repeat the samemistake over and over again and expect a different result. Some women do this consistently in their selection of men. They are attracted to certain characteristics and they seek this in the men they chose. That's OK, if it works but what about when it doesn't? How many of these same men are you going to chose before you see that it's insane to stay on that same path?

I have a friend like this. I've known her for over ten years and in that time period she's had five boyfriends and I met every single one of them. Finally, I asked her didn't she realise that all of them were the same. The only change was their names, hair colors, eyes, and physical characteristics. Their mentality on the other hand was simply the same, hell they actually could have been carbon copies of one another. They all acted and did the exact same things to her before ultimately leaving her for someone else.

She was so caught up in them that she hadn't even noticed. After her last break-up I went to see her and she was distraught as she had been before. I took her to dinner and pretended I was listening to her as she went on about how she couldn't believe the relationship was over. I'd heard this from her before and I had pretty much memorized it by heart.

After a few weeks when she was getting over the break -up I took her to dinner again and this time I took over the conversation and I pointed out the obvious to me and everyone else that knew her. These men were all the same, it was as if she'd cloned them. I left that dinner that night with a promise from her that if she decided to date again she'd look for someone entirely different as a suitable mate.

Approximately nine months later she called me and asked me out to dinner, since I had been out of the county for awhile it was great to hear her voice andthe opportunity to see an old friend was exciting. I arrived at the restaurant and was directed by the host to the table where she was waiting for me. We exchanged pleasantries and I noticed that instead of two dinner setting there were three. Of course I asked and she broke out in the biggest grin I had seen on her in years, she was truly happy. A few minutes later a guy strolled over and sat at the table. He was as far apart from her previous selections as she could g et and I don't want to go into details here because she reads this blog. However, he was genuinely nice, respectful, professional, caring, classy and he was heads over hills in love with her.

That was three years ago, they were married a month later and today they have two beautiful children, a very nice home and she is ecstatic to this day. I'm very happy for her and very proud that she had the courage to see where her problem with men was and change it. In the end I'm sure she'll tell you it was the easiest and hardest decision see ever made, but had she made it earlier she could have saved herself many heart breaks from men whom meant her no good.

6) Being too forgiving:

To forgive is divine. To continue forgiving when the pattern of lying, cheating, stealing and abuse does not change is insane. We all hope that our significant other will change and become the person we know that they can truly be. However, there is a point we we need to realise that they will not change and the situation for us to continue to forgive is becoming unhealthy.

Each situation is different, but we as adults need to be able to look at our mates actions and grade them honestly. If the future looks more like the past then it's time to move on. Spending your nights laying in bed crying yourself to sleep, or being unable to eat because of the actions of someone whom professes their love for you is not worth the heartache you suffer.

Being able to forgive is noble, but you must determine exactly how much you will endure before you call it quits and move on. When you move on you can forgive him one more time for all he put you through, and then find someone who will appreciate you for the beautiful woman you are.

7) Putting him on a pedestal:

Men are just that, Men! They are not Gods all though at times they pretend to be. They are flawed individuals as all of us are and you need to recog nize this and accept it. He may be the king of the hill today and life could deal him a harsh blow tomorrow and you have no clue how he will respond to it.

Many men whom have been thought to be strong have shown weakness in times of turmoil. People react in different ways to stress and the everyday frustrations of life.

Keep your man real, do not put him on a pedestal and he can never disappoint you. Never ever respect, love or cherish any man more than you respect, love or cherish yourself. The way he treats you is a direct reflection of the way you feel about and treat yourself. Show love and respect for yourself and others will do the same. Disrespect yourself and so will others.

8) Not recognizing the relationship is over:

Sometimes we hang on too long to relationships that are dying or is already dead. It amazes me when people are shocked to find out that their boyfriend or girlfriend now has a new mate. I always wonder, how could they have not known this?

When your significant other begins to change to a point where you no longer recognize them as the person you love, it's over. When they start treating you badly and you're not sure if they still love you anymore, it's over. When they start putting others before you, it's over!

When a once trustworthy man starts to tell you lies to cover times and dates, it is over! You know exactly what your relationship was like when you first began. Time will most definitely change it some. However, when these changes become very drastic in nature and you're not sure what the hell is going on your relationship is dying right before your eyes.

Relationships run a course, some longer than others and it's nothing wrong with terminatingone. Women however at times have a hard time accepting the fact that the relationship failed. Many times you guys blame yourselves that it didn't work, but you have to remember it takes two willing adults to t o make a happy, successful relationship last.

You cannot have enough love for both of you to keep it afloat, there has to be participation on his part as well. When he changes and you don't know what to do to bring him back to being the man you fell in love with, remember this, he wanted to change and that's what he did. The chances of him changing back are slim to none but instead of asking him what is wrong (which he'll call nagging) try discovering what it was that he changed for by watching him a little more careful.

To save yourself from more heartache, trying planning for your future without him. Remember you should love yourself more than you love him anyway and your happiness is paramount. He cannot make you happy, only you can. So start thinking about how bright your future is going to be, with or without him and then start planning for it.

It's sad when two people once in love remain in a dead relationship because neither want to admit that one or both of them have changed. So, become the adult that you are supposed to be and if the relationship is dead let him know how you feel and tell him you understand and it's OK to let go. Both of you will be happier in the end. But by denying the obvious you're setting yourself up for serious heartache in the future.

9) Loving blindly:

Do you have one of those friends who has a boyfriend who convinces her to do all these things that you thought she's never do? Hopefully that is not you as well. Some men are blessed with the gift of gab and they can talk you into any and everything.

The sad thing is that women do these things because they profess their love for these men blindly. They get so caught up in the men themselves that they would do anything to please him. They will do anything to be in his presence and this is not good in any manner.

I've seen women be talked into allowing these men to take nude photos of them, participa te in deviant sexual practices, take and sell drugs and much much more. All this for a man whom could and would never love her anywhere near the amount he loves himself and she on the other hand is no more than a toy for him to amuse himself with until the next one comes along.

Young women are really susceptible to this issue. I cannot count the times in the past that I've had to arrest some young girl whom allowed her no good boyfriend to talk her into stealing merchandise and cash from her employer. While in college I remember girls whom and I resent this now that we called jock flies, they would do anything to hang out with basketball players, football players and most of it was degrading. All this simply because he told her those three little words which he never ever meant, "I love you", and if you love me you'll do this for me.

Love is not meant to be tested in this manner and any man who requests you to do anything to profess your love for him is first i nsecure and secondly, probably doesn't have real love for you. he's simply attempting to determine at what level you are in love with him and how deep you will go to be with him, leaving self respect, dignity and reasoning behind.

Don't be blinded by your emotions, if you have to struggle with your faith, beliefs and upbringing while contemplating a request by him then he is definately not the one and it's time to move on. Be smart and protect yourself, you'll be glad you did.

10) Believing he will leave his current relationship for you:

It's amazing that still today women get involved with men whom are either married or in a current relationship and they believe what these men say. Get real! If he's not man enough to get out of his so called miserable relationship before he met you what the hell makes you think that he will do it for you?

These relationships go on everywhere for months, years even and women still do not get it. H e's not leaving anyone for you, why should he? Chances are you are already sleeping with him and he has no real motivation to terminate his marriage or relationship to someone else because now you're hooked.

If you press him on the issue he will give you every excuse in the book about why now it's not the right time. He'll promise, but really he 's actually just buying time because he knows that you are in love with him and over the next few days you'll forget about it and things will go back to normal, him using you for sex and or cash.

You cannot win in this arrangement, everything is stacked against you and the prize you seek is really not a prize it's a life of B.S. If for any reason he did leave her after being with you how in the world could you actually trust him, ever! If he is doing this to his current spouse/girlfriend what the hell makes you think you will not be a victim too?

This is not new, it's been going on forever and it's no different t han being a friend with benifits. He of course is the one who's benifiting. You on the other hand are the sucker of the year. People talk about you behind your back, other men don't respect you because they view it as you're the woman/girl who will sleep with anyone. Why? Because you don't have enough respect for yourself to find a man of your own, you needed someone elses.

In the end you feel like a idiot, especially after he comes to your place, has sex with you (not love because it's not really there) and then leaves to go home to his wife or real girlfriend. You on the other hand are left alone with nothing but your conscience an empty apartment and an assortment of new lies that he has spun to keep you hopeful.

Men whom cheat on their wives and girlfriendswill cheat on you too! Remember that, so even if you just so happen to have a man whom finally leaves his wife or girlfriend for you, can you really trust him?


H opefully these ten items will help some of you and if none of these apply to you then do me a favor and send this to a girlfriend who may need it to assist her. Hopefully between us we can educate someone and keep them from getting their heart broken. Thank you.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Electronic Cigarette Review – Know Which E-cigar To Use

A lot of smokers these days are switching from the traditional cigarette to the new form of cigars which is the smokeless cigarettes. Yes you've heard that right, no more harmful smoke coming out of these people's puffs because they've turned to the new face of cigarettes, and if you happen to be one of those still using that old fashioned cigarettes where you get nasty looks with the smoke coming out from you when you puff in public, then you're pretty way behind because not only is the smokeless cigarettes the new in nowadays, there are also a lot of manufacturers making them thus a lot of options for you to choose from.

Smokeless cigars just like the traditional cigars comes with a lot of flavors, but unlike the ordinary cigarettes these smokeless cigarettes have more distinct flavors meaning you can taste and feel it more with the vapor in it. Now this is where some manufacture differs when it comes to smokeless cigarettes, other people love these flavors from a manufacturer while other people love these other flavors from other manufacturers. We all have a different sense of taste but finding out which smokeless cigar flavor is love by the majority, surely we would also love.

Traditional cigarettes usually differ with its taste or its category depending on its color but the modern smokeless cigarettes comes with a lot of cool designs not just in its casing but in the cigar itself, and for the many manufacturers for smokeless cigarettes surely there are those manufacturers where there designs would really stand out and not only is the designs of these smokeless cigarettes are the best treat but each of them have their own advancements that consumers would really love.

Smokeless cigarettes are battery driven so they need to be re-charged everytime you are home or when it's running out of power. Now from the many manufacturers of these smokeless cigarettes, there would be that manufacturer that would put importance to battery life of these cigarettes and if you're the kind of smoker who's always on the go, I know you'd prefer a smokeless cigarette that would take for a while for you to recharge.

Now all of these mentioned above like color, taste and battery life and many more are just some of the qualities you're looking for in smokeless cigarettes, and each manufacturer of these smokeless cigars has their own features. Now how are you going to find the manufacturer of the smokeless cigar with your desired features when there are so many manufacturers out there, a good electronic cigarette review would do the trick for you.

In the website, you would find reviews on the top 10 smokeless cigarettes and their manufacturers. Here you would find each smokeless cigar features and advantages on why it reached the top 10, so if it's either color, taste or battery life you would find what you're looking for in the website.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Benefits of Log Furniture

Benefits of Log Furniture for Various Areas of Your Home

Outdoor Log Furniture
Rustic log furniture helps you create visually warm and fully functional outdoor living areas. Log picnic tables, log dining sets, and a variety of carefully selected lounge chairs and rustic loveseats will bring family and friends together outside.
Choose a rustic log swing and find a better way to enjoy any warm summer breeze or cool autumn sunset. Redesign your entire outdoor living space, or choose a specific piece of log furniture to augment your existing landscaping.
Browse JHEs Log Furniture Places online catalog to find log furniture that matches any budget or need. Outdoor log furniture includes uniquely styled pieces handcrafted by artisans. Choose pieces crafted from Northern White Cedar, either finished or unfinished. Match tables to chairs or blend individual items together to create a unique look and feel thats all your own. Its your outdoor desig n: you decide whats best.
Log Bedroom Furniture
Unique bedroom designs are easier to realize when you see a wide selection to help you find what you want and what you need. Is it some specific bedroom furniture that you need today? Perhaps a stately end table, some mirrors, or a brand new log bed is the right direction for your interior design. Or maybe youre seeking some bed linens and accessories that will help to further that rustic appeal in the bedroom of your cabin or summer home.
When you are working on your finest bedroom designs, some offer the individual items that can blend together and help you achieve a look of balance, function and beauty. Log bedroom furniture is crafted from materials of superior quality like Northern White Cedar, Great Norway Pine, seasoned red cedar, juniper, hickory, dead standing pine, aspen, reclaimed barn wood, and many other fine woods. These materials are hand-selected, and used to create a rustic, warm and inviting l ook while offering you the most durability and strength.
Mix-and-match different pieces, or create your finest bedroom design using one definitive style. Whatever you need to make your bedroom come to life: beds, dressers, wardrobes and armoires, mirrors, end tables, bed sheets and comforters, chairs, or other accessoriesyou can trust in the selection and quality offered at JHEs Log Furniture Place, the original online log furniture store. You will quickly find all you have been seeking, but they also encourage you to browse a little and allow their bedroom furniture selection to inspire you to try something new. Your bedroom design need never be the same again! Bedding & Dcor for your Rustic Log Bedroom Set
Once you have selected the perfect log furniture for the bedrooms in your home, lodge or cabin, you will want to finish the look with the right accessories. This is where JHEs Log Furniture Places bedding sets can really help you to develop the look you want.
Their bedding sets tend to share a rustic theme, giving you a familiar country style and warm feel. The colors used are matched to make the right visual pairing with a solid wood or log bed. And if you are seeking some bedding with a depiction of a peaceful woodland, or maybe western or horse-themed bedding, you will love their selection and variety.
Explore the different types of bedding that they offer, and consider how the fabrics, the colors and the style can be used most creatively. Maybe you want to try a suede comforter set, and accent with some specific Western themed throw pillows. Perhaps go for the classic combination of leather and lace. Or m aybe your room has windows needing a beautiful window treatment and you want to tie it into the colors of the comforter. They can help you there as well.
There are quite literally thousands of different ways you might combine and blend the items found in this section of their website. And they encourage you to take your time, and really consider the different things you can do with your interior design. Have some fun with it. Using their bedding ensures that the quality and look you want also comes with a lasting value.
Log Living Room Furniture
If you like living room furniture with a rustic country charm, you will love the options offered to you by JHEs Log Furniture Places living room furniture. This is a wonderful way to accent your existing interiors, or to start a whole new look for you home!
Futons, sofas, bookcasesthese are just some of the options in living room furniture you will find there. They craft this country living room furniture from b eautiful Northern White Cedar, gnarly Aspen with lots of character and draw knifed Knotty pine, so you get extra helpings of pure rustic character. These woods have a natural appeal, bringing great strength and flexibility to our furniture designs. Once the craftsmen are through melding the logs together some pieces look like they were grown by mother nature, offering you a classic look in country style living room furniture.
The individual pieces of living room furniture in the collections offered at JHEs Log Furniture Place visually complement each other really well. So if you select a table today, you can later match a sofa or a bookcase and build the country feel you love over time. The idea is to offer you many different options and encourage you to build the look you want with the quality and affordability you demand. Their living room furniture is ready and able to accept the challenge.
Log Dining & Kitchen Furniture
The kitchen is quite often the center of the home, and with JHEs dining room and country kitchen furniture, you can make the center of the home someplace very special.
Their dining room furniture is crafted from solid woods like Northern White Cedar, hickory, aspen, reclaimed barn wood and Knotty pine to give you a structural integrity with the visual appeal each wood naturally claims. These tables, chairs, stools, bars and cabinets are designed to give you a country style and rustic feeling without sacrificing on the utility needed by these crucial pieces of furniture.
There are a variety of options for you to consider regarding how to spatially design your kitchen and dining room. Placing a few of their rustic bar stools in strategic places can offer you a convenient place to sit, as well as a smart visual accent. And do you want a table with chairs, or would a long red cedar bench be more appropriate for the feel you are developing? Use their wide selection to compare some options and find some solid direction.
So whether you are seeking a complete rustic collection of hand-crafted cedar dining room furniture, or are instead looking for a single, specific piece that carries some distinctive rustic character to help you create a personal country style in your kitchen, JHEs will have you covered.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Monday, May 20, 2013

End Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia and Mood Disorders and Find Inner Peace and Happiness through Energy Body Cleansing and Helaing

End Depression, Anxiety and Other Mood Disorders and Insomnia and Find Peace of Mind and Happiness through Reiki and Energy Body Cleansing and Healing

By Michael E. Goldberg

Author: End of Mood Disorders and The Road to Happiness

Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are at epidemic levels in the United States. So is insomnia. The good news is that you can end the devastation of these illnesses when you heal and cleanse your energy healing. Through energy healing, you will ultimately improve your brain chemistry and achieve peace of mind and an internal sense of well being, joy and balance. If one's energy body is not clean, intact and vibrant, no medicine will heal your depression, anxiety and other mood disorders or insomnia. It will stabilize your symptoms (and that is important), but it will not be enough to heal you. You must do the work along with Reiki and energy healers to release stored negative energy from traumas and stress and become a positive thinker filled with peace and joy. You must do the work toestablish boundaries, build self love, self confidence and self esteem and stop generating negative energy through negative beliefs, thoughts, acts and speech.

To be mentally and physically healthy, your aura, chakras and meridians must be free of negative energy. Chi energy (the energy of life) must flow freely through your energy body without blockage from negative energy. This takes work. This can only be achieved through a combination of Reiki and other types of energy healing and ongoing spirituality, positive thinking, positive beliefs, positive speech and positive acts, not intentionally harming or deceiving others. self-love and a positive mind-set. As a Reiki master and life coach, I have focused on healing depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia with energy healing and techniques designed to protect one's energy body. These techniques include visualization, meditation, establishing and maintaining boundaries, handling stress factors in a positive way, avoiding negative and toxic people and mind control. These techniques enable people to be fully engaged in each precious moment of life with full presenc e, participation and joy. These techniques enable people to rid themselves of painful and negative memories and rid themselves of stored anger and hate. They teach people to consciously identify and stop negative thoughts and rid energy/emotional attachment to negative and toxic people, co-dependant people and things. This is important because these attachments cause energy drainage, imbalance and negativity.

I have taught people how to generate high vibration positive energy through meditation and visualization techniques.High vibration positive energy shakes off, burns off and repels low vibration negative energy. I have taught people how to establish reasonable boundaries and change their mindset from negative to positive. In the end, we all must love ourselves first and foremost. This requires us to make our own peace of mind, peace of spirit and joy for life our number one priority.

Mood disorders are a problem of brain chemistry. But the problem of brain chemistry is caused by energy starvation and blockage andenergy/emotional attachments. Chi energy (life force energy) is not able to be freely drawn in and distributed through one's energy body because it is blocked,drained and disturbedby negative energy blockages and energy/emotional attachments. A person's energy body is drained and blocked primarily by our own negative thoughts, acts and speech and our own negative and impulsive reaction to stress factors. Negative energy is also generated by a poor self image. Visualization and meditation techniques along with positive affirmations must be used to build up a person's self-love, self confidence and self esteem. These techniques must also be used to rid oneself of guilt and shame.

Everyone has an energy body and a physical body. Our energy body is invisible to most. It animates our physical body and gives our physical body life. Some call the energy body our spirit. Our energy body is attached to our physical body. It includes an aura that surrounds us and protects us from negative energy (negative energy is low vibration energy that is the primary cause of illness), as well as chakras (spinning energy axles with energy wheels on both ends that go through our energy bodies) and meridians (energy channels that are the energy equivalent to veins and arteries). A good mental and emotional state requires a clean, vibrant and healthy energy body, free of negative energy blockages and energy attachments. Good mental health requires the positive interaction of brain chemistry and life force energy. These energies must interact properly for a person to be balanced and free of depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia. What goes on in our min ds not only reflects brain chemistry, it also reflects the health of our energy bodies and the ability of our energy bodies to easily and automatically draw in and distribute life force energy for our use and for our health.

Life force energy is otherwise known as chi energy. It is abundantly available to us in the Universe to bring us life and good health. So long as our energy body is not blocked and damaged by negative energy. Chi energy bolsters our immune system and ensures that our physical body is functioning properly. It reverses the damage to brain chemistry done by stress, trauma and negative energy. Unfortunately, in many cases our energy bodies are broken, cracked and blocked by negative energy and drained by negative energy and negative and toxic people. As a result, our energy bodies cannot properly draw in and distribute chi (life force energy) for healing. The end result of a dysfunctional energy body is mental and physical illness. When one's energy body is damaged and blocked by negative energy, chi energy cannot flow through it properly to support one's health. Brain chemistry is damaged. The negative energy that blocks and invades one's energy body is often caused by our ow n negative thoughts, emotions, acts and speech and our negative reaction to stress factors. Negative emotions include anger, fear, jealousy, etc. These emotions cause us to experience stress, primarily by our reaction to external and painful events and our ongoing obsessive and ruminating thoughts about that which is painful and negative. Negative energy is also caused by a fight or flight mentality and fight or flight home or work environments. Stress will damage your energy body and drain your energy. So, it is critical (in fighting depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia) to avoid stressful home and work environments and negative and toxic people who cause you stress. It is also important to prevent yourself from reacting negatively to stressful situations and provocations and setting boundaries. It is important to make your own happiness and peace of mind and spirit your number one priority in life that comes before all else. All this takes the training . In addition the energy body can be damaged and vital life force energy drained from negative and toxic people.

The good news is your brain chemistry can be normalized once your energy body is cleansed and healed and made vibrant and intact. Reiki practitioners and other energy healers can repair one's energy body and extract negative energy from it and remove energy attachments from it. Energy attachments, a damaged energy body and attached and embedded negative energy in one's energy body cause obsessive thoughts, ruminations and negative thoughts and emotions that drain your energy. But, they can be easily removed and extracted and your energy body healed. This can all be easily done through Reiki, and energy vibration healing (such as Emotional Freedom Techniques and Shamanic healing and crystal healing). Once the energy body is repaired and cleansed, you need to defend and protect your energy and stop burning energy needlessly with negative thoughts and emotions. You need to learn. positive thinking techniques to stop spinning and running thoughts, obsessive thoughts and rumina tions (all of which burn and deplete your energy). You need to use visualization techniques to detach from painful memories (these attachments cause obsessive and ongoing negative thoughts and emotions that drain and deplete one's life force energy) and meditation and prayer techniques to balance and pacify your mind and spirit. You also need to learn how to build and maintain boundaries and avoid negative and toxic people. In addition, you need to learn how to be fully present in each precious moment in life (and stop thinking about the future or the past while the precious moments slip away). You begin to really see and appreciate life all around you and your connection to life. You will spend more time in nature and in meditating in nature or on visualizations of nature. You will move into your heart chakra and find your connection to the divine in your heart chakra. You will begin to live there by shifting your consciousness there and out of your head the seat of though ts and ego, but not life and love. .Through visualization, you will learn to move divine high vibrations (as visualized white light) from your heart and through and around your entire body as you visualize that you are a divine being pf pure white light inside and out.. Daily meditation, prayer and visualization from your heart chakra are essential to feeling the high vibrations of chi, love, peace and happiness. You are a divine being of pure white light attached to a physical body. As you spend more time in meditation and your heart chakra, you will begin to understand that you are a divine and eternal being of light and love. Once you feel the high vibration of your divine nature in your heart chakra, you will understand that you are divine beings of pure white light. You will then affirm to yourself that you are a divine being of white light, so happy to be alive. You will affirm to yourself that you are happy, peaceful and serene and so thankful for your life and its ma ny blessings. You will affirm to yourself how fortunate you are to be alive and how much you love yourself. You will begin to see yourself as an amazing miracle of creation and a part of the miracle of life and nature. You will begin to let go of negativity and see the world and your life as infused with infinite possibilities and a short but wonderful miracle. As you fully connect with and integrate into your personality (through visualization techniques) your pure, loving and holy higher self and fun loving and happy inner child, you will love life and easily and automatically draw and process chi for your health and happiness.

First, close your eyes and relax and breathe deeply in and out and smile. Breathe in visualized white light as unconditional love and breathe out as visualized black smoke all fear, anxiety, anger and negativity. Let go of the negative and just relax. Shift your consciousness into your heart from your head. Visualize yourself as a divine being of blazing white light. Smile as you connect with this loving and happy being of blazing white light from your heart. Then integrate this being into you through visualization and become this being. Shift your consciousness from your head to your heart. Put your hand over your heart and close your eyes. Visualize that your heart center is a blazing sun of pure white light. Now push out the white light from your heart center and fill up your head and body and legs and arms. Push out the white light all around your body about 6 inches to a foot. See that white light as your blazing high vibration aura. Fill your self up with visualized white light through your deep breathing and visualization. Feel the white light in and around you vibrate all negativity out of you Keep your eyes closed and take deep breaths - breathe in visualized white light and breathe out visualized black smoke (breathe out all fear, anger and negativity).Let it go. Let all negativity go. Stop thinking, and just be, just exist in the moment. Calmly remain in your heart chakra, the center of your being and your connection to your eternal soul. Remember to thank the Creator each day for life and stay in the white light. Go back to white light visualization and breathing whenever you are afraid. Close your eyes and relax. Thank and pray to the Creator daily. Whenever you are afraid, worried or anxious or agitated, go to large bodies of water in reality or through visualization and take in and breathe in that beautiful blue water. See yourself floating in the middle of a calm ocean on a cloudless day the light blue of the sky meets the li ght blue of the water. Float peacefully on that water in your mind. Close your eyes and relax. Alternatively, close your eyes, breathe deeply and smile whenever you get afraid!! Our lives are wonderful, short and temporary miracles. But, you are an eternal being of pure white light. You are truly loved by angelic beings and the Creator. Nothing can really hurt you. So, don't be afraid. Change your beliefs from negative to positive, from rigid to open and infinite and your thoughts will follow. Positive affirmations, prayer and meditation will help. Learning to be conscious of your thoughts and able to stop or change negative thoughts is important.

Reiki and energy healing, self-love, boundaries, meditation, visualization, mind control and positive thinking and spirituality are critical for you to build up your energy body and stop energy drainage and build up a bountiful and high vibration energy body filled with positive energy. Energy drainage and negative energy leads to illness. Positive energy leads to good health and happiness. The end result of energy cleansing and healing is peace of mind, peace of spirit, happiness and a vibrant energy body. Your cleansed and healed energy body will shake off, burn off and repel negative, low vibration energy that causes pain and illness. You will be happy as you feel love and happiness and peace and freedom from pain. These techniques help end depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia.

My books, End of Mood Disorders,The Road to Happiness and The Road to Healing, Good Health and Wellness will teach you the techniques discussed in this article to end depression, anxiety and insomnia and bring you internal peace and happiness. The books are comprehensive guides that approaches depression, anger, anxiety and other mood disorders and unhappiness as energy and spiritual disorders as well as mental illnesses and problems with brain chemistry. My books recommends to readers energy-related, positive thinking, meditation and spiritual techniques to achieve and maintain peace of mind, balance and happiness in our lives.My booksteach how to harness healing energy to correct the havoc to our emotional and mental states caused by negative energy and energy drainage. My books recommend ways to (a) control your ego and egoistic thoughts, emotions, speech and acts (which tend to be selfish and negative and all of which generate harmful negative energy that will deplete your energy and harm your energy body, (b) generate and draw-in positive healing energy, (c) build effective boundaries and (d) minimize conflict in your daily life, all in order to reach and maintain happiness, serenity, balance and peace of mind and spirit a vibrant and intact energy body. Through my books, you will learn how to stop burning the life force energy that you need to enjoy life and keep people from draining your energy. You will learn how to repel negative energy and re-charge your energy body. You will learn how to re-charge, refresh and invigorated your energy body.

The book End of Mood Disorders is available on,, and . It is also available in electronic format along with the book The Road to Happiness at www.theroad2happiness.comTheRoad to Healing, Good Health and Wellness is available at, barnesand and kindle.

About the Author

Michael E. Goldberg is a Reiki Master and Life Coach. He is a Reiki practitioner and healer who does hands on and remote Reiki healing. He has worked with spiritualists in developing meditation techniques for his books and has studied with and interviewed Reiki, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and Wiccan teachers in preparing End of Mood Disorders and The Road to Happiness.He interviewed holistic healers for his book The Road to Healing, Good Health and Wellness.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

Sunday, May 19, 2013

End Depression, Anxiety and Other Mood Disorders and Insomnia through Reiki, Visualization, Meditation, Spirituality and Positive Thinking

End Depression, Anxiety and Other Mood Disorders and Insomniathrough Reiki,Visualization, Meditation, Spiritualty andPositive Thinking

By Michael E. Goldberg

Author: End of Mood Disorders and The Road to Happiness

Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are at epidemic levels in the United States. So is insomnia. The good news is that you can end the devastation of these illnesses when you heal and cleanse your energy healing. Through energy healing, you will ultimately improve your brain chemistry and achieve peace of mind and an internal sense of well being, joy and balance. If ones energy body is not clean, intact and vibrant, no medicine will heal your depression, anxiety and other mood disorders or insomnia. It will stabilize your symptoms (and that is important), but it will not be enough to heal you. You must do the work with Reiki and energy healers to release stored negative energy from traumas and stress and become a positive thinker filled with peace and joy. You must do the work to learn to establish boundaries, build self love, self confidence and self esteem and stop generating negative energy through negative beliefs, thoughts, acts and speech. To be mentally and physically healthy, your aura, chakras and meridians must be free of negative energy. Chi energy (the energy of life) must flow freely through your energy body without blockage from negative energy. This takes work. This can only be achieved through a combination of Reiki and other types of energy healing and ongoing spirituality, positive thinking, positive beliefs, positive speech and positive acts, not intentionally harming or deceiving others. self-love and a positive mind-set. As a Reiki master and life coach, I have focused on healing depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia with energy healing and techniques designed to protect ones energy body. These techniques includ e visualization, meditation, establishing and maintaining boundaries, handling stress factors in a positive way, avoiding negative and toxic people and mind control. These techniques enable people to be fully engaged in each precious moment of life with full presence, participation and joy. These techniques enable people to rid themselves of painful and negative memories and rid themselves of stored anger and hate. They teach people to consciously identify and stop negative thoughts and rid energy attachment to negative and toxic people. I have taught people how to generate high vibration positive energy through meditation and visualization techniques. This high vibration positive energy shakes off, burns off and repels low vibration negative energy. I have taught people how to establish reasonable boundaries and change their mindset from negative to positive. I the end, we all must love ourselves first and foremost. This requires us to make our own peace of mind, peace of s pirit and joy for life our number one priority.

Mood disorders are a problem of brain chemistry. But the problem of brain chemistry is caused by energy starvation and blockage. Chi is not able to be freely drawn in and distributed through ones energy body because it is blocked and drained by negative energy. A persons energy body is drained and blocked by negative and toxic people and negative energy primarily generated from our own negative thoughts, acts and speech and our own negative and impulsive reaction to stress factors. Negative energy is also generated by a poor self image. Visualization and meditation techniques along with positive affirmations must be used to build up a persons self-love, self confidence and self esteem. These techniques must also be used to rid oneself of guilt and shame. Everyone has an energy body and a physical body. Our energy body is invisible to most. It animates our physical body and gives our physical body life. Some call the ener gy body our spirit. Our energy body is attached to our physical body. It includes an aura that surrounds us and protects us from negative energy (negative energy is low vibration energy that is the primary cause of illness), as well as chakras (spinning energy axles with energy wheels on both ends that go through our energy bodies) and meridians (energy channels that are the energy equivalent to veins and arteries). A good mental and emotional state requires a clean, vibrant and healthy energy body, free of negative energy blockages and energy attachments. Good mental health requires the positive interaction of brain chemistry and life force energy. These energies must interact properly for a person to be balanced and free of depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia. What goes on in our minds not only reflects brain chemistry, it also reflects the health of our energy bodies and the ability of our energy bodies to easily and automatically draw in and distrib ute life force energy for our use and for our health.

Life force energy is otherwise known as chi energy. It is abundantly available to us in the Universe to bring us life and good health. So long as our energy body is not blocked and damaged by negative energy. Chi energy bolsters our immune system and ensures that our physical body is functioning properly. It reverses the damage to brain chemistry done by stress, trauma and negative energy. Unfortunately, in many cases our energy bodies are broken, cracked and blocked by negative energy and drained by negative energy and negative and toxic people. As a result, our energy bodies cannot properly draw in and distribute chi (life force energy) for healing. The end result of a dysfunctional energy body is mental and physical illness. When ones energy body is damaged and blocked by negative energy, chi energy cannot flow through it properly to support ones health. Brain chemistry is damaged. The negative energy that block s and invades ones energy body is often caused by our own negative thoughts, emotions, acts and speech and our negative reaction to stress factors. Negative emotions include anger, fear, jealousy, etc. These emotions cause us to experience stress, primarily by our reaction to external and painful events and our ongoing obsessive and ruminating thoughts about that which is painful and negative. Negative energy is also caused by a fight or flight mentality and fight or flight home or work environments. Stress will damage your energy body and drain your energy. So, it is critical (in fighting depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia) to avoid stressful home and work environments and negative and toxic people who cause you stress. It is also important to prevent yourself from reacting negatively to stressful situations and provocations and setting boundaries. It is important to make your own happiness and peace of mind and spirit your number one priority in life that comes before all else. All this takes the training. In addition the energy body can be damaged and vital life force energy drained from negative and toxic people.

The good news is your brain chemistry can be normalized once your energy body is cleansed and healed and made vibrant and intact. Reiki practitioners and other energy healers can repair ones energy body and extract negative energy from it and remove energy attachments from it. Energy attachments, a damaged energy body and attached and embedded negative energy in ones energy body cause obsessive thoughts, ruminations and negative thoughts and emotions that drain your energy. But, they can be easily removed and extracted and your energy body healed. This can all be easily done through Reiki, and energy vibration healing (such as Emotional Freedom Techniques and Shamanic healing and crystal healing). Once the energy body is repaired and cleansed, you need to defend and protect your energy and stop burning energy needlessly with negative thoughts and emotions. You need to learn. positive thinking techniques to stop spinning and running thoughts, obsessive thoughts and ruminati ons (all of which burn and deplete your energy). You need to use visualization techniques to detach from painful memories (these attachments cause obsessive and ongoing negative thoughts and emotions that drain and deplete ones life force energy) and meditation and prayer techniques to balance and pacify your mind and spirit. You also need to learn how to build and maintain boundaries and avoid negative and toxic people. In addition, you need to learn how to be fully present in each precious moment in life (and stop thinking about the future or the past while the precious moments slip away). You begin to really see and appreciate life all around you and your connection to life. You will spend more time in nature and in meditating in nature or on visualizations of nature. You will move into your heart chakra and find your connection to the divine in your heart chakra. You will begin to live there by shifting your consciousness there and out of your head the seat of thoughts and ego, but not life and love. .Through visualization, you will learn to move divine high vibrations (as visualized white light) from your heart and through and around your entire body as you visualize that you are a divine being pf pure white light inside and out.. Daily meditation, prayer and visualization from your heart chakra are essential to feeling the high vibrations of chi, love, peace and happiness. You are a divine being of pure white light attached to a physical body. As you spend more time in meditation and your heart chakra, you will begin to understand that you are a divine and eternal being of light and love. Once you feel the high vibration of your divine nature in your heart chakra, you will understand that you are divine beings of pure white light. Affirm to yourself that you are a divine being of white light, so happy to be alive. Affirm to yourself that you are happy, peaceful and serene and so thankful for your life and its many blessings. Affirm to yo urself how fortunate you are to be alive and that you love, respect, accept and forgive yourself. Through visualization, let go of guilt and shame. Let go and forgive. Make a conscious effort to be positive in your thoughts and speech. Get rid of words like fear, worry and hate because they program your beliefs in a negative way. Make a conscious effort to hold your tongue, listen and be patient. See yourself as an amazing miracle of creation and a part of the miracle of life and nature. Smile. Let go of negativity and see the world and your life as infused with infinite possibilities and a short and wonderful miracle. As you fully connect with your pure, loving and holy higher self and your fun loving and happy inner child, you will love life and easily and automatically draw and process chi for your health and happiness.

Close your eyes and relax and breathe deeply in and out and smile. Breathe in visualized white light as unconditional love and breathe out as visua lized black smoke all fear, anxiety, anger and negativity. Let go of the negative and just relax. Shift your consciousness into your heart from your head. Visualize yourself as a divine being of blazing white light. Smile as you connect with this loving and happy being of blazing white light from your heart. Then integrate this being into you through visualization and become this being. Shift your consciousness from your head to your heart. Put your hand over your heart and close your eyes. Visualize that your heart center is a blazing sun of pure white light. Now push out the white light from your heart center and fill up your head and body and legs and arms. Push out the white light all around your body about 6 inches to a foot. See that white light as your blazing high vibration aura. Fill your self up with visualized white light through your deep breathing and visualization. Feel the white light in and around you vibrate all negativity out of you Keep your eyes closed an d take deep breaths - breathe in visualized white light and breathe out visualized black smoke (breathe out all fear, anger and negativity).Let it go. Let all negativity go. Stop thinking, and just be, just exist in the moment. Calmly remain in your heart chakra, the center of your being and your connection to your eternal soul. Remember to thank the Creator each day for life and stay in the white light. Go back to white light visualization and breathing whenever you are afraid. Close your eyes and relax. Thank and pray to the Creator daily. Whenever you are afraid, worried or anxious or agitated, go to large bodies of water in reality or through visualization and take in and breathe in that beautiful blue water. See yourself floating in the middle of a calm ocean on a cloudless day the light blue of the sky meets the light blue of the water. Float peacefully on that water in your mind. Close your eyes and relax. Alternatively, close your eyes, breathe deeply and smile when ever you get afraid!! Our lives are wonderful, short and temporary miracles. But, you are an eternal being of pure white light. You are truly loved by angelic beings and the Creator. Nothing can hurt you. So, don't be afraid. Change your beliefs from negative to positive, from rigid and finite to open and infinite and your thoughts will follow. Positive affirmations, prayer and meditation will help. Learn to be conscious of your thoughts and speech and stop negative thoughts and speech. Stop judgmental thoughts and speech and stop ongoing ruminating thoughts about people and negative things they did to you. Let go and detach from these things thriough visulization and mind control.

Reiki and energy healing, self-love, boundaries, meditation, visualization, mind control and positive thinking and spirituality are critical for you to build up your energy body and stop energy drainage and build up a bountiful and high vibration energy body filled with positive energy. Ene rgy drainage and negative energy leads to illness. Positive energy leads to good health and happiness. The end result of energy cleansing and healing is peace of mind, peace of spirit, happiness and a vibrant energy body. Your cleansed and healed energy body will shake off, burn off and repel negative, low vibration energy that causes pain and illness. You will be happy as you feel love and happiness and peace and freedom from pain. These techniques help end depression, anxiety and other mood disorders and insomnia.

My books, End of Mood Disorders and The Road to Happiness will teach you the techniques discussed inn tis article to end depression, anxiety and insomnia and bring you internal peace and happiness. The books are comprehensive guides that approaches depression, anger, anxiety and other mood disorders and unhappiness as energy and spiritual disorders as well as mental illnesses and problems with brain chemistry. My books recommends to readers energy-related, positive thinking, meditation and spiritual techniques to achieve and maintain peace of mind, balance and happiness in our lives. It teaches us how to harness healing energy to correct the havoc to our emotional and mental states caused by negative energy and energy drainage. My books recommends ways to (a) control your ego and egoistic thoughts, emotions, speech and acts (which tend to be selfish and negative and all of which generate harmful negative energy that will deplete your energy and harm your energy body, (b) generate and draw-in positive healing energy, (c) build effective boundaries with, negative and toxic people and (d) minimize conflict in your daily life, all in order to reach and maintain happiness, serenity, balance and peace of mind and spirit a vibrant and intact energy body. Through my books, you will learn how to stop burning the life force energy that you need to enjoy life and keep people from draining your energy. You will learn how to repel negativ e energy and re-charge your energy body. You will earn how to re-charge, refresh and invigorated your energy body.

The book End of Mood Disorders is available on,, and . It is also available in electronic format along with the book The Road to Happiness at

About the Author

Michael E. Goldberg is a Reiki Master and Life Coach. He is a Reiki practitioner and healer who does hands on and remote Reiki healing. He has worked with spiritualists in developing meditation techniques for his books and has studied with and interviewed Reiki, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and Wiccan teachers in preparing End of Mood Disorders and The Road to Happiness..

Automatic blog by iAutoblog