Saturday, April 14, 2012

Successful Relationships - Do You Really Enjoy Spending Time WIth Your Dating Companion? - Relationships - Dating

When you first start your search for a dating relationship, the spark in your romantic life must have been off to a great start, its a new high of interaction with someone. But Is that spark still going strong in your relationship? If that has spark is gone, how can you get that spark back and live once again in a serious mature dating relationship with a real long-term potential. Maintaining that spark in your relationship is an important factor in having success in a quality dating relationship.

Do you really enjoy spending time with your partner? Are you really eager to see him or her and go out on dates and or just hang out with one another or would you rather spend time with your friends going out? If you would rather spend time with your friends, then you are not emotionally connected to your partner and in a mature dating relationship. If you want to have a truly successful relationship, then you need to put in a really strong and disciplined effort to get along with one another and work on your relationship for it to be successful. Nothing that is worth any value comes cheaply and easily. Having that spark in your relationship makes it easy to want to spend time when your together and spending time together puts you on the road to success in a mature dating companionship. Along those lines, when you are together with your partner, do you enjoy the time that you spend together? Are you having fun with each other or are both of your attitudes depressed and not enthusiastic? If you want to fully participate in a mature dating relationship, then you really need to have fun.

Do you both still flirt with each other? Yes, you still can, and should still flirt with each other even after you??ve been dating for a while. Flirting is not just for the pre-date and initial dating stages. Yes, flirting helps you meet and test the waters and makes things interesting; however, if you want to be involved in a mature dating relationship, then you really need to keep the magic going by flirting with your partner. How can flirting help your relationship and bring you into a mature dating relationship? For starters, flirting with your partner shows him or her that you still are attracted to him or her. It shows your partner that you want to be with him or her rather than your friends or another love interest. Flirting makes the relationship fun and helps you play and enjoy your time together and those things make for a mature dating relationship.

What are some ways to bring the spark back into your relationship and make it a mature dating one? Along the lines of flirting, you need to continue to go out on date nights. During the initial dating stages of your relationship, obviously, you go out on quite a number of dates because that is the avenue by which you begin to get to know each other. Once you move forward in your relationship and begin to grow as a couple, you don??t go out as much. If you want to maintain that spark in your mature dating relationship, then you need to put aside time, at least once a month, to go out on a special date night. This is something that should definitely be continued even after you eventually get married to this person or someone else in the future.

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