Jesus Christ: the Great Escape
Steve McQueen (1930-80) escaped from Stalag Luft III in Zaga (1942-5) and Jesus Christ escaped from men who tortured him to death same film. Jesus was broken on the cross and Longinus` spear pierced his side in death (Matt: 27.54). After his Ascension to heaven the Paraclete (1 John: 2.1) emerged on Earth, and it`s appearance coincides with Longinus` cutting open of Jesus` side with the spear that came to be known as the `Spear of Destiny`.1
Eve came from Adam`s side as God began teaching in Eden. God`s Shekinah (Ex: 40.35) dwelt in the Ark of the Covenant where God`s law was kept. She is the `spirit of the law`, and she appears as the Paraclete from the side of Jesus when her veil is pierced by Longinus` spear.
In the New Testament `God`s law` is `God`s love` - according to Jesus. He defines the law as `love thy neighbour`, which is feasible if everyone accepts the Holy Spirit as God`s developmental `teaching assistant` because God teaches the wisdom of forgiveness, and that`s wise if it`s assumed that the Evil One is forgiveable but he isn`t.
Neither are the evil if they accept the spirit of the Evil One rather than Jesus` - and the Paraclete`s teachings. Evil people operate on the principle of forgiveness, so that they can make others beg them for forgiveness. Jesus forgave them for crucifying him and so they continue crucifying in order to hear similar words to Jesus`:
`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?` (Matt: 27.46)
Christian Redemption is the acceptance of Jesus` teachings and the Paraclete as God`s `teaching assistant`, but it isn`t forgiveness. For the evil there is no escape from perdition. Unfortunately, churches assume their role to be that of forcing people to pray for forgiveness in the way that the evil forced Jesus to ask:
`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?`
Clearly God had forsaken Jesus to them, and then, as it were, `the fool` forgave them, which is why the character of the `fool` in the Tarot pack used by clairvoyants is `the hanged man`. He represents Jesus. The Tarot is, purportedly, a pictorial Torah, which is the `law` in Judaism. The `fool` prefigures the idea that Jesus is a fool for forgiving the evil, but in Revelation Jesus has escaped to give the evil perdition and God creates a new heaven and a new Earth. Christianity, in the way of the Nazi Kommandant, forces us to kneel and beg for the afterlife in the same way that the Nazis forced those in the `extermination camps` to ask:
`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?`
Women have been taught the same principle. They have to be asked. However, the principle is that, if you ask a woman, she`ll direct you to a man, because she`s taught the `father principle`, which is that. men aren`t Nazi extermination camp guards, whereas they are. It is simpler to think of God as a `parent`, then there`s an escape from the idea that d men are `Father in heaven`, which is the idea that men should be the forgivers, we should beg them for forgiveness, they are forgiving, and we are forgiven - when tortured by them - for asking:
`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?`
Eve (Gen: 2.9), the Shekinah (Ex: 40.35), and the contnuing teaching and collective wisdom of the Paraclete are Woman`s guidance and helpfulness. In the 23rd Psalm it is written:
`Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.` (Ps: 23-4)
The Paraclete is the `comforter` because she`s the `staff of the law of God` and, as it says in Revelation, she gives birth to he who `shall rule the nations with a rod of iron` (Rev: 12. 1-18), which is the enforcing of `God`s love` (Luke: 10.27) as God`s law.
Death is the penetration of the veil, which is Woman`s because she`s the `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`. This is why the piercing of Jesus` side by Longinus upon his death is a piercing of the veil of the woman behind his eyes and her release into the Earth as God`s `teaching assistant`.
It is the notion that the eyes are `veiled` that`s interesting. Jesus` ascends but the Paraclete`s eyes are `unveiled` insofar as she has the path to heaven and God through Jesus` teachings that are Redemption. She lives in those who accept her but women are taught to accept men, which is what whores are taught.
Homosexuals, moreover, are the spirit of the Evil One. God destroyed Sodom (Gen: 18, 19) and told the serpent in Eden that there`d be `enmity` (Gen: 3.15) between its `seed` and Woman`s, while the fully grown dragon of Revelation, Eve`s Saddam, as it were, is the `seed` of the ass-as-Sin`s, that is, the spirit of the homosexual is evil because it puts its `seed` in a sterile place. In other words, homosexuals don`t want the Creator`s Producer`s (Woman`s) Product.
The `Big Apple` of New York was the ass-as-Sin`s, that is, the homosexual spirit of the Evil One, the `dragon`, in Revelation, trying to devour the child of the Woman who`ll `rule the nations with an iron rod`, which is the enforcement of `God`s love` for Woman with God`s law. You need a `third eye` to see through the veil, and `apple eating` is the spirit of the Evil One, which is the ass-as-Sin`s - and that`s where the evil introduce themselves (9/11).
Why was the `third eye` of New York`s Adam and Evelopement closed so that the eyes of the world were upon her? The USA is `the Great Satan` to much of the Arab world,2 so she was being told to `veil` her Woman, that is, her Woman`s eyes were filling their women`s eyes with American men from Black Hawk Down (US special forces` rescue in 1993 in Mogadishu, Somalia) type movies to `boys from the hood` style TV shows, and the Arabian men didn`t want them to because they were preparing their `false Jihad` led by the `False Prophet` of the `ass-as-Sin`s` Osama Ben Ladan (1957-).
The attack on the WTC in 2001 was a piercing of the veil of the USA`s Mom, which are the eyes behind the veil of the USA`s secrecy. They weren`t open because it`s `third eye` had been eaten and it couldn`t perceive the threat to the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, which is progress and development in innocence without threat or under threat. Manifest Destiny is the new heaven and Earth for Woman`s `seed`, which are those that are given eyes to see her with other women.
Women are taught that God is their `father`, so men show the path to heaven, which isn`t true Woman does. It`s tradition to `don the veil` when a husband dies, because in front of her eyes is the path to heaven for her man, but evil unscrupulous homosexuals put themselves in the place of her beloved by forming an evil brotherhood of ass-as-Sins, that is, they place their spirits in him by means of anal sex even post-death: Jesus` `side` is pierced after his death by Longinus` spear as an indicator of `God`s will`, that is, the Paraclete`s the `spirit of God` and points to Manifest Destiny but the threat is implicit.
Women are taught that Jesus is a celibate, and therefore a cuddly homosexual who would be fun to be with because he doesn`t want their sex. But homosexuals don`t (want their sex). A good man is at the mercy of such `teaching` because `real men` would be butt-fucking Jesus, according to that theory. Women want men to be their `evil spirits`, so that the imagery implicit in Jesus` spearing upon the cross is fulfilled. To them he is a homosexual and should be speared in the ass, which is the imagery of the Evil One`s ass-as-Sins that don`t want heaven from Jesus and the Paraclete, so don`t want it for anyone else either 9/11 was Saddam (the false Adam) perpetrating `Saddamy` upon the `city of the planes`, which was New York and the USA`s `punishment` for showing women`s eyes to theirs on TV because it confused their `veils`. Their `men` would be in their women`s and the American men would be in their women`s theoretically.
In Arabia a man is permitted four wives, so there`s more room for his spirit, but in the West it`s a man and woman, so the theory`d be that only one woman`s man is in her veil. Ass-fucking between men in Arabia is haraam or `forbidden`. But, in the Gulf Wars (1990-1, 2001-3), it`d be about how many men you can hide in a woman`s `veil`, so it`d be a period for the `evil brotherhood of the ass-as-Sins to emerge.
Al Qaeda forced women to wear the veil in Afghanistan, the traditional seat of the Old Man of the Mountains, the `Master of the Ass-as-Sin`s`, Hassan-i-Sabbah (1050s-1124), who`d be Osama Ben Ladan in the 21st Century. Jesus was also a `Master` but his assistant`s the Paraclete, and his teachings are Adam and Eve, the `seed` of God and not the `seed` of the ass-as-Sin`s, which means that the `veil` between a man, a woman, and the Holy Spirit mustn`t be `penetrated` by homosexuality, because that`s the spirit of the Evil One.
9/11 occurred because the USA`s eyes symbolized by the `Big Apple` or `third eye` that works behind the `veil` of Eve - were going to be an `ass-as-Sin-nation` if the `False Prophet of the Islamic Jihad Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) - and he wasn`t sane - had triumphed, and brought Jihad (war) upon the West.
The USA`s eyes were a priori closed to the threat because they`d accepted the concept of the ass-as-Sin, that is, US Defence had invited `hackers` to test their system, which is what 9/11 was. The `ass-as-Sins` as a `virus` and the terrorists as the homosexual `plague aim` of hacking into the developed world`s `system` and crashing it hacking down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre.
`Let`s play a game.` So says the sentient computer entrusted with the nuclear defence of the USA to Matthew Broderick (1962-) in the movie War Games (1983). It`s a paradigm for the `aims of the plague`, which aren`t `war games` but a `virus` in the system causing us to become MAD, a defence analysts` acronym for `mutually assured destruction`, and the movie foresaw the spread of the `virus` within the computer `games` fraternity as a `plague` presupposing war as a `game`, but the `virus` is sentient. The Evil One wants to `play games` and has `plague aims`, which is the `virus` of death, and that isn`t a `game` for the victims of 9/11 or those who lost their loved ones in the Gulf Wars. PC games, war, STDs seemingly defined in Revelation as `biblical plague` and fear of AIDS are a 21st Century paradigm surfacing as the terror of `Saddamy` on 9/11.
The USA`s preparation was based on their own understanding of what a biblical `plague aim` would be. They developed `Superbowl` and the notion of the `game plan` in order to test the Cold War hypothesis of MAD in which a `touch down` (TD) was an ICBM. Each `game play` treated the opposition as a `virus` seeking to collapse a wave form3 (the American Dream and Manifest Destiny) and the TD was the successful particle representing `reality`, which meant the `wave form` (`life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness`) succeeded.
The game`s winning play is a `reversal` of the `plague aims` and, on 9/11, the `goalposts` of the `Twin Towers` were `hacked` by the `virus` from `Saddamy`. It`s six points for a TD and one for a kickers` goal between the posts in US football, and the planes didn`t TD at JFK which meant homosexual air AIDS in New York and at the Pentagon when there was Peace in the USA and no `crosspiece`.
`I`m the American Dream since I was seventeen [seventy-six].` Britney Spears (1982-) sings in Piece of Me (2007). and she appears on the cover of the album on the cross as Jesus. She`s a `piece with the true cross`, as it were, which means the `Moslem world` didn`t get `the point` on 9/11. `Saddamy` was the `beast` of homosexuality, and Jesus` Paraclete`s `wisdom` is `God`s love` - Woman. There`s no sign of the spear of Longinus in the side of Britney because she`s alive upon the cross, and the `veil` was pierced for Jesus after death. As Spears she represents the Paraclete`s `teachings of Redemption` born from Jesus` side, that is, she`s the `Spears of Destiny`, and there is no death for her because God promises to those who accept the Holy Spirit and a new heaven and Earth immortality.
The image of her upon the cross represents the danger, which is the interpretation of Jesus as a victim forced to beg for Redemption which is to be given not by God but by his tormentors the evil. Britney upon the cross represents BDSM,4 which is bondage, dominance, and sado-masochism, that is, marriage, obedience, and acceptance (without sadism). Sadism is the notion that Jesus was a masochist and was bound to beg for mercy. But sadists create masochists. They are born `meek and mild`, which is the quality Jesus says is necessary if you are to enter into the `Kingdom of heaven`.
Britney`s `statement` is that she`s Destiny Manifest and, because she`s the Paraclete, there is no piercing of her `veil` because she has triumphed over death `in Jesus` and this is her `message` to the women of Islam. Accept the Holy Spirit of the Paraclete. She is behind the `veil of your eyes` - and `ours`. But don`t accept sadism, which was perpetrated on 9/11 as `Saddamy`, that is, begging for mercy for - and from - men who`d torture women: as they did Jesus. In the Koran (610-32 CE) of Islam it`s the cry:
`Allah be merciful!` (1:1, 3, 163)
In Hebrew `Eloah`5 is the name of God and, in Hungarian, `Isten`. Moslems are deemed anti-Christian for the simple reason that `Allah` isn`t God, but he is in Hebrew (Eloah). Abraham founded both Islam and Judaism through his sons Ishamael and Isaac, which should be enough for Christianity to stop persecuting Arab women who want to keep their veil until they`ve tortured them into revealing what is `hidden` from men who ruin the Earth and don`t want Woman`s `Paradise on Earth`. If they don`t accept the `teachings` of Jesus` Paraclete Redemption - God`s `new heaven and Earth` of Revelation is for the good because they`re superior, and the evil are inferior and shall receive perdition.
Often the abused are expected to see themselves as inferior because they are `meek and mild` - good people caught by their predator when young and persuaded into perceiving themselves as inferior; because masochists are `subjects` to sadists. Jesus is archetypally heroic to masochists because he escapes, but he`s inferior to sadists and masochists - according to the `teachings` of masochism.
However, sadists are inferior because evil whereas the tortured are superior because good, which is the secret to Redemption and eternal happiness. The evil are inferior, and the good are superior. It`s the basics of Royalty. People are not inferior, but good - unless inferior, so evil. Queen Elizabeth II (1926-) of England has presided over the transformation of the British Empire (1497-) and the Commonwealth of Nations since her Coronation in 1953 because she treats people on their merits as the USA is similarly meritocractic good without disproof. Britney Spears on the cross is the good of Redemption that appears to appeal to the sadist, but is designed to underline Jesus` triumph insofar as Britney Spears and the Paraclete is not inferior, and neither is her body`s love both are good and, as the motto of those belonging to Elizabeth II`s knightly `Order of the Garter has it`: `Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense`. Edward III once used the phrase to save a young girl`s blushes when her garter slipped around her ankle and he put his own foot through it to place it about his own thigh. The Evil One`s spirit of homosexuality usurps the place of the Paraclete through that of the ass-as-Sin`s which usurped God for the Evil Onenesses of `Saddamy` and 9/11.
3 Close, Frank Particle Physics: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2004.
4 Miller, Philip, Devon, Molly, and Granzig, William A. Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism, Mystic Rose Books, 1995.
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