We want to know about relationships with our loved ones, with our friends, with our children and with our spouses. But to understand relationships we have to be extremely honest with ourselves. Most of us are unwilling to really look at this thing we call relationships with total honesty because we are then required to look closely at ourselves. To look at our deepest feelings, motivations, and desires and we may not like what we see. Yoga and Meditation can help. Let Yoga Awakening show you how!
So together let's look at relationships. Relationships with others, and with our loved ones. Let's see how Yoga and Meditation can help!
How do we define love? If we look very closely and are very honest about this, we recognize that most relationships are based upon control, co-dependence, need, desire, and greed. We, meaning the self, the I, have certain needs and desires that must be satisfied. Through our relationships we hope to satisfy these needs and desires through control of another. Through greed, and caring for oneself we hope to satisfy our own needs.
There are many forms of relationships other than with family, friends, and neighbors. There are relationships with nature, relationships with ideas, and relationships with property, material objects. We are discussing here the relationships with other people.
So then our primary purpose to enter relationships is to satisfy our needs and desires through controlling and manipulating of another. We need security and companionship, we are lonely and don't want to be alone any longer. We have sexual desires that need to be satiated and satisfied. We seek to full-fill these sexual desires through our relationship with others. We have many responsibilities that require maintaining and we hope that through relationships we can find someone to share these responsibilities with. But you know all of this don't you?
If we observe our relationships with a spouse or a loved one, and we are very honest about it, we see that both parties are involved in having their own needs and desires satisfied. We are fundamentally greedy and selfish and the I, the me wants to be satisfied. Is this love?
Can we love another from the perspective of the I? Can a relationship be formulated upon the need to full-fill personal desire and self satisfaction. Or are we really in love with the concept of not being alone and of finding security, as a way of avoiding loneliness. Of having our needs and desires satisfied. Is this love for another, or is this love for oneself? If we want to understand our relationships with others, and this thing we call love, we must be very honest with ourselves.
Love can not come from the wants and desires of the self. A truly quiet, tranquil, and sensitive mind, can know love. This is the state we achieve when we are passionate about someone or something other than our selves. This is when we are totally absorbed in a subject, or another person, when we are interested completely in understanding everything we can about this other subject or other person.
When we approach a relationship or activity, with this type of perspective an energetic creativity and passion arises. We no longer see the I, the self, but only see and appreciate the other. This is true love. Through the practice of Yoga and Meditation you can achieve this sense of passion and increased energy and creativity. Though the practice of Yoga and Meditation you will find true love. This is the legacy of Yoga and Meditation!