Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Secret Ways for Losing Love Handles

It seems that nowadays everyone is looking for new ways for losing love handles which is the rolls of fat on the sides of your midsection. As you might suspect everyone is looking for the magic formula to start melting the fat away. The real secret to losing love handles is the one two punch of diet and exercise. In this article we will provide information on what works and what does not work when you want to start losing love handles.

There is no spot training for one area of your body. You can not just target one area of your body to lose fat. Yes you may have fat stored only at the sides of your stomach but in order to lose love handles you must incorporate full body fat loss.

The best exercise training for losing love handles begins with cardiovascular exercise or cardio for short. Cardio exercise includes walking, running, biking, swimming or any kind of aerobic exercise. The best type of cardio training to do for losing love handles is called cardio interval training. Interval training is simply alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of moderate activity and repeating. For example you can run at a full sprint for two minutes followed by jogging for thirty seconds and then repeat. Interval training boosts your metabolism and burns up calories so you really start losing love handles quickly.

Weight training is another great way for losing fat. Again don't just target your stomach region but do full body weight training breaking down different parts of the body on different days. Muscles that you will build during weight training will continue to burn calories throughout the days even while you are resting.

As you might suspect when you are losing love handles or losing weight in general you want to burn more calories than you consume. The trick to not consuming more calories than are being burnt is eating foods that are filling but do not have a lot of calories. Do not eat empty calories. Foods with high fiber and or water content tend to keep us full longer without having too much calorie intake. Good examples of foods would be low fat yogurt or fruits. Drink 8-8oz glasses of water a day. A half an hour before you eat a meal have a handful of nuts and a glass of water this will suppress your appetite.

As you can probably tell these are just Some ways for losing love handles. The best thing to do for losing love handles is incorporate exercise and diet into your everyday routine and then it becomes a lifestyle. As you might suspect I do not believe in fad or crash diets because I believe even if you take the weight off you put it right back on.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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