Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Exercises to Lose Love Handles - Exercises Personal Trainers Steal From Me!

Yes, you heard that correctly, I've got exercises to lose love handles that I do that personal trainers at my gym steal from me! I don't mind that they take them from me; it just tells me that they find a lot of benefit from these exercises as well as solidifying the fact that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to oblique muscles as well as upper and lower ab exercises.

I know that the human body is extremely adaptable and can easily learn how to lose belly fat. Once an exercise is performed enough, the body learns the most energy efficient way for performing it. This in turn prevents us from feeling that burn or worse, the exercise from being effective at all. This is one of the reasons walking isn't as effective for losing belly fat as running, because we walk every day! With this in mind, I like to come up with new twists to tried and true exercises as a way to not only spice things up, but to also benefit my body more...

A lot of times, I'd go to the gym and try out a new exercise and then the next day I'd go there and see personal trainers having their clients do these exercises. So I'd jokingly say "where'd you get that exercise from?" They'd go on to tell me that they saw me doing it, tried it and really liked the burn they got from it.

Another key reason they liked the exercises were that they were not only workouts to get ripped, they possessed an extreme level of adaptability. These exercises could be adjusted so that a person who hasn't worked out in years could perform it and can be made challenging for the most fit of people.

Exercises to lose love handles...

Lunge and Twist's- with a dumbbell of a comfortable weight in each hand I would perform the start of a normal lunge. On the way up instead of bringing my follow leg straight forward, I would raise my knee as if I was trying to touch my opposite shoulder with my knee. From there, while still standing on one leg, I'd continue on with the normal lunge. Side Sit Ups- I'd lie down on my back and would keep my knees at a 90 degree angle and twist my hips to the left side and proceed to do 20 sit ups. Then I'd switch sides (twisting my hips to the right) and do 20 more sit ups. This exercise can be increased in difficulty by holding onto a weighted plate (I sometimes use a 25lb plate).

Remember, exercises can target specific muscles; they can't target specific areas for losing body fat. So, if you think that doing 1000's of sit ups will lose belly fat, you might be in for a disappointing outcome. In fact, many times the abdominal muscles will build up and essentially push against the belly fat, causing the person to appear bloated and actually larger than they were prior to the exercises.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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