Sunday, May 25, 2014

Clairaudience And Psychic Ability

Clairaudience is the gift of hearing voices, sounds, or music within the psychic plane. This type of intuitive perception may either be an external process or an internal process. In either case, one is gathering their psychic information through the practice of a highly sensitized concentration on auditory information. Clairaudient psychics have the difficult task of sorting out the information they receive. The difficulty lies in the psychics need to differentiate their own, personal thoughts, voices and sounds to those of true psychic communication and knowledge.

Psychics often have developed their own unique methods for listening as their sources of information can come from various places. Clairaudience can occur spontaneously or through practiced meditation. The most common type of clairaudience is the phenomenon that occurs in trance like states. These are the experiences in which the psychic can hear messages from angels, spirits, guides, and even the dead. Clairaudience is also associated to mediums. Mediums are individuals who have the ability to hear messages from different frequencies or energies. A common form of clairaudience for the psychic medium is the ability to communicate with the dead or after life. Mediums have the unique gift in validating the concept that there is, indeed, a life after death. One of their main objectives is to verify the survival of the human soul after its death. This can be incredibly comforting for those who are in the process of grieving the loss of a loved one.

When one has a session with a medium, the topics covered rarely include prophetic information. In other words, mediums usually are not fortunetellers. Medium are more likely to serve as a confirmation that a deceased loved one is still part of this world; their souls have not ended in death. They simply have moved on to a new place. We all can practice our clairaudient skills. This easiest method includes developing a communication with your guides, angels or divine spirits. All you really need to do is ask to hear their voices. Its also important to recognize that you may have more than one guide, so the voices may differ. You may hear things internally in your own voice or you may hear other voices. You are always welcome to ask for the voices name and purpose. You will be amazed at the answers you will get.

For more on psychic readings, please visit

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